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APS Spare Replacement Shells for Thunder B Sound Grenade Cores (Package: Flash Bang / Single)

26 Customer Reviews

by Sebastian J. on 12/26/2019
"Good shells that work with my setup. I fill them up with BBs because it decreases the total volume and makes sure it blows up. The pictures look a lot cheaper than they do in person, they look very cool in person.
by Benjamin C. on 10/05/2018
"Love Thunder-B! Must have for all milsim Airsoft events!
by richard c. on 12/12/2017
"For some reason these do not fit over my Thunder V core. I see description says thunder B . Was not aware of a size difference of the newer thunder v vs the older thunder b. The valken shells fit both . I had to sand the inside of these shells , and put a bit of silicon and hope I could remove after using .
If it is true about the diameter size differences between the B and V , I should say , does not fit thunder v in description.
Webmaster: The Thunder V is a counterfeit of the Thunder B, we would suggest buying the original and authentic Thunder B.
by Andrew G. on 06/17/2017
"These shells work good, I've been using these kind of grenade shells for a long time. They are great even for decoy's!
by justice w. on 01/09/2017
"I bought 3 of these. And they work very well. They are big enough for me to put bbs in so when it blows up business go everywhere. But they are kind of big for me.
by Louis A. on 01/07/2017
"I have nearly expended my 12 pack, and they have popped very reliably. Well worth the money; I'll use these from now on. Works in all my grenade pouches.
by Hongxu W. on 11/19/2016
"Before buying these off my local field when I ran out of shells, I was using the "flash bang" shell, the fancy one with the plastic ring on top and bottom of it. Those shell barely went off and it's really disappointing. But after buying few of these off the field and used it on my roommate to wake him up(not recommended) I found these are not as loud but blow up fast and consistent, so I think I would start using these shells for its reliability.
by Dominic F. on 08/26/2016
"Great refill pack for Thunder B sound grenades. These are of course, single use, but they work flawlessly. Interestingly, they are about 1.5 times bigger than an actual pineapple grenade.
by Jack E. on 06/17/2016
"My parents gave me a set of these and a core and after about 15 minutes of trying to figure out how to set it for the first time, I have fallen in love with the grenade. the rest of my team usually the dumbbell or the flash style but the pinapple has a shorter fuse time and on average I get the most grenade kills.
by Dj B. on 04/26/2016
"The best shells on the market! I've never had one stall or fail. A definite MUST for the noise factor on the CQB field.
by David C. on 09/26/2015
"Out of 45 grenades, I have only had one dud. M4 pouches hold these grenades perfectly.
by Tyler H. on 09/29/2014
"I bought the Gen. II shells to use in our theater department for a realistic on stage gunshot effect outside of the "building" the show takes place. Being I am the ONLY person in the THTR Department who airsofts and is a reenactor, I had to give 20 technicians the basic run through of how to disassemble, reassemble, and maintain the cores and shells. We didn't give the audience the heads up and the reaction was as expected, perfect! registering between 130 and 150 decibels, the measure of sound, it is a great, inexpensive, practical product that we will continue to use for future productions, thank you Evike
by Corey S. on 08/13/2014
"By far the loudest of the shells and the least often used by other players so its easy to identify your thunder B from someone else during games.
by Jonathan G. on 04/04/2014
"These shells are awesome, havent had one dud yet. Very good 5/5 stars.
by Jacob H. on 09/01/2013
"Great for any airsofter going for the milsim style. Looks much better than a flash bang style or other shapes. Very reliable. Haven't had a dud yet. Works great with the spoon style trigger system by Hakkotsu.

-Realistic pineapple look and style
-Explodes at about 3-4 seconds after spoon release

Its a grenade what could go wrong