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Matrix Eagle Force High Power Multi-Purpose CNC 40mm Airsoft Grenade Shell (Qty: 2 Pack)

14 Customer Reviews

by John P. on 06/22/2020
"Hands down the BEST 40mm grenade shell you can get. It can take CO2 and is also very reasonably priced compared to other CO2 shells. Because it can take CO2, it is much more durable than green gas-only shells, and can fire with much more power, due to CO2's higher pressure.

I have no problems using this filled with BBs, firing homemade 'canister' shot of BBs packed with wadding, or shooting foam rockets/balls. Effective range with BBs is about 75-100', and with foam balls I can accurately aim them out to 150', and absolute maximum range with maximum CO2 pressure is at least 200-250'

-- Plus the 'general purpose' design is far superior to the BB shower shells in terms of both power and versatility, in my experience.

Fantastic shell for the price, very durable, and excellent for your team's designated engineer/demolitions guy.
by Clement G. on 07/29/2016
"Over 20 uses per grenade and it really surprising but there are the best 40mm I ever use with CO2!

Good durability, realy great finishing, spare O-ring and bearing! the best price for the best product!
I have 2 Madbull Gen 1 and Gen 2 40mm paintball type grenade and it just realy disapointing for the price!

This is a product I recommand for those who want 40mm easy to use for a low price
by Tom C. on 04/06/2016
"I've just received two of these.

I've only fired them about a dozen times, and haven't used them in a match, so take this wit a grain of salt.
These rounds are very well machined, and run fine on green gas. I've also run them on regulated CO2.
Running on CO2, at only 400 PSI, these things are LOUD. Like, .223 loud. Make sure you add a buffer, like in this guide;

Overall, these are perfect for anti-tank nerf rounds, and I will be buying more. They're a steal at twice the price, the madbull ones are like $80.

by Jacob H. on 03/20/2016
"I recently purchased the shell to use in my 6 millimeter Pro Shop pocket Cannon and it has worked great. It is heavy and feels real. I used propane in it and using the plugs in the end it has a really loud pop to it and has good range too. Range was around 60 feet.

PROS: Feels real
Worked great so far

CONS: None!!

(I also used tape over the end to hold the BB's in. It isn't as loud as with the plugs in it but it's still pretty loud. I definitely recommend this product!)
by josh t. on 11/23/2014
"I was a little skeptical on these due to the price but these turned out to be great shells. I own mad bulls, king arms, etc. And they all tend to have weak o-rings and after a while need big time maintainence which these I can see lasting a bit due to much thicker o-rings. First off if you buy these, open them up and clean them out and relube. The lube in them is terrible and drys out, second make sure there nade no chips in the gas chambers(mine had a bit from when they were machined). Once you do those two things they work amazingly. Each shell in the pack comes with 10 rubber plugs by the way which was nice. On a side note co2 works great in these without messing anything up internally (I run co2 at 250psi)

Well made
(Actually) co2 ready
Pretty loud
Good distance on projectiles

BB spread is crazy wide (if using bbs)
Other than that, none
by Ben C. on 10/09/2013
"Excellent For the money. I just recently received these with my Sthunder launcher and they work GREAT. A bit of a pain to reset if you don't know what your doing. Took me a few tries to figure it out, But Once you got the hang of it, its easy. These babies Spread 90 rounds In a wide Radius, I haven't got a chance to test the max range yet, But they will Absolutely DESTROY at close quarters.
by Kenneth K. on 07/31/2013
"I got is grenade shell a few days ago, and it is great. It is very solid and heavy.

With BBs the maximum range is about 30-40 meters, but the spread is large. With a foam rocket you can get 40-55 meters, depending on the angle you fire, accurately.

Great range
Great popping noise
Large vapor cloud
Beautifully machined metal

You have to push the plunger back sometimes
The O-ring in the fill valve is kinds crappy
by Kevin P. on 07/09/2013
"I've got two of these in some no-brand madbull type tube thing. The shells are great, they'll shoot anything you can fit into it, except dimes half the time. Depends what you put under it i think. I haven't gotten any kills past 100 feet. Well one at about 100... out of 5. So the spreads pretty huge. It looked like about a 40 ft spread at 100. Definately cqb only. Got a triple kill at about 30 or 40 feet, though. Never had any leaks so far. I do a 7 second or 5 to 7 pumps of green gas. Puts out a loud pop when fired, not exactly intimidating but i shot it right next to a kid and he jumped. Also lets out a bit of a smoke cloud which makes you feel pretty bdass. Only shell I've bought so far. And probably the only one I will buy. If you don't have the rubber caps like me then just shove some paper towel in it and shake it to make sure it won't fall out when running. If you're looking for a good shell for cheap, I did a good amount of looking around and settled on this. No regrets so far. Buy this. Don't forget to reset the button when you're done. And DO NOT press the button when filled and looking down the tube!! Have your finger nowhere near the button when you're looking down the tube. Better yet just don't look down the tube.

launch whatever you want
decent power (doubt they'll really feel it past 50 ft though)

Not cheap enough to have six of them
Not so great past 50 feet but looking at other grenade shells it doesn't seem like any are

by Christopher R. on 06/14/2012
"Great range- about 120-150 feet with a wide spread of BBs. Load them to the rim, stuff piece of paper towel to hold them in and fire. Does not even compare to the 120 round load the holes with a speed loader grenades. Pour, charge, and fire. Also resets itself pretty easy. I have a couple 120 round Big Dragon grenades- they barely reach 50 feet- maybe good for some CQB but these Eagle Force Hi Power put a shower down range.

I have tried to use with foam golf balls- not very accurate- range is limited to about 80 feet in CA Short M203. Nerf Vortex have about 100 foot range, but take some practice to be able to hit anything.
by peyton w. on 05/19/2012
"You load the gas into the shell just like the gas Airsoft guns, load the bbs into the sell. Hit the button on the back of the gas shell and BOOM! All the bbs will be released and shot out at once. We also sell Airsoft grenade launchers that can mount on your airsoft gun and have one of these shells sit in side just like the real grenade launchers! This has got to be one of the coolest thing in Airsoft or paintball history!

I had one installed on my gun and once you get your opponent in an Airsoft or paintball match with a CLOUD OF BBS ONCE, everything will be worth it. True story: I was once in a game and I was surrounded by five guys...a launch took out three guys and while the rest were wondering where the loud sound comes from, they were surrendered.
by peyton w. on 05/19/2012
"You load the gas into the shell just like the gas Airsoft guns, load the bbs into the sell. Hit the button on the back of the gas shell and BOOM! All the bbs will be released and shot out at once. We also sell Airsoft grenade launchers that can mount on your airsoft gun and have one of these shells sit in side just like the real grenade launchers! This has got to be one of the coolest thing in Airsoft or paintball history!

I had one installed on my gun and once you get your opponent in an Airsoft or paintball match with a CLOUD OF BBS ONCE, everything will be worth it. True story: I was once in a game and I was surrounded by five guys...a launch took out three guys and while the rest were wondering where the loud sound comes from, they were surrendered.
by David S. on 11/07/2024
"They handle co2 but I would not recommend it. Green gas no problem. I tried co2 about 3-4 times and had resetting issues. I had to open it up to see and the oring looked misshaped. I put it back in its groove and it functioned properly.

Green gas with a slight tilt up using cotton ball as a plug I was getting 70-75ish feet with good spread

co2 gas with slight tilt up using cotton ball as plug I was getting 100-110ish feet, hard to tell spread(shoots fast)

If there was no oring issue It would have been a 5 star for sure.
by Patrick S. on 02/22/2013
"Just received my new shell today and just had to try it but unfortunately I'm very disappointed. I'm using a echo1 m 203 launcher and the shell will not fire in the launcher but u can fire it manually what's the point of having a launcher if you can't use the shell in it the shell looks and feels strong but I don't have a problem shooting any of my mad bull shells in it
by Bryan T. on 08/19/2012
"You get what you pay for. Some of the better grenades cost $50.00 each. These cost just over twenty dollars a piece. Of the box of six, three had leaks when filling with gas. Took one of them apart, to see if replacing the O ring would solve the problem, only to discover that the grenade was missing one of the four ball bearings in the base. Comes with one pack of end plugs per grenade, so you actually get more than it says. This works out well. Haven't had much luck with BBs in these grenades using greengas, however I will try CO2 later on, and see if it yields better results.

Overall, they look good, and sound good. a bit heavy, but not bad.