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H&K UMP Competition Series Airsoft AEG Rifle by Umarex (Color: Black)

51 Customer Reviews

by Austin D. on 03/13/2025
"Loved this airsoft. Was able to add a silencer with the change of the barrel and was able to put other item on rails. It is all plastic but it works great and shoots great. Ended up giving to a friend to get them started into airsoft tho it pained me to do so.
by Jennifer L. on 08/17/2024
"Great gun
Feels nice in hands
Shoots hard
Trigger is snappy
Hi cap mag it comes with is bad it broke my first time using it just get two mid caps

Overall this is a great gun would recommend mine broke the tigger sometimes wouldn’t work and it wouldn’t shoot but I think that’s just my gun I’m getting another one but great gun
by Jennifer L. on 08/09/2024
"Amazing gun looks and feels great
Very accurate
Full auto is nice
Feels good when you shoot it
Feels stable
Iron sights are on point

Semi auto is okay the trigger isn’t the best
High cap mag is very trash just get a Midcap for 12 bucks
Mine has a feeding issue and the trigger is really weird and sometimes doesn’t work but I think that’s just mine I’m get a replacement

This is a very great gun overall accept for the stupid high cap the springer broke my first time shooting it but other than that this is a very good starter gun for people that want to get there first gun and it dose come with a battery even though it doesn’t say it does
by Keith B. on 12/20/2023
"What is Everyone (previous reviews) bitching about?? Now I paid $149.95 for the Tan model, on sale, which is clearly a bargain for what you are getting - a precision made HK UMP45 LICENSED Replica made from mostly Fiber Reinforced Polymer, which is the same as the REAL one! Sure the outer barrel is also Polymer instead of "Metal" like the "Elite" mode has, but really who cares? The Upper and Lower are very nice Polymer castings, and it breaks down for cleaning like the real UMP. Maybe earlier models had cheap metal Motor housings, but this 2023 model is very nice steal and aluminum and is a Version 3 I believe. I have not had it to any skirmishes yet, but I have been using it a lot in my back yard "Run n Gun" range (20 ft to 80 ft shots) and this EF HK UMP45 has worked flawlessly once you "learn it". Only complaint is the included "Hi Cap" mag is BARELY acceptable, you have to constantly wind the Mag Spring. After market Hi-Cap mags aren't much better, get the 120 capacity mags instead.
-Insanely accurate to 75 feet out of the box. Has adjustable Iron Sights, and 20mm Rails for any Optics.
-Can take a 12.1V LiPO "Stick Battery" as you would buy for an AEG AK-47, BUT put Dielectric Jell on Trigger Contacts.
-The Stock 8.4V 7 cell NiMH Battery is "OK, will last for 3 2/3rds filled HiCap Mags. Buy 2 extras.
- Nice weight, VERY close to the weight of a real 9mm UMP (the only one I've gotten to shoot)
- The Barrel is NOT THREADED! But once you get the Orange Tip off, thread the barrel with a 14mm CCW Tapping Die you can buy on EBay for $12 shipped. (Be careful cutting the threads into the Polymer outer barrel! I'm posting a thread on "Modifying your EF H&K UMP AEG"
- The Stock Hi-Cap Magazine is no prize winner, you have to constantly wind the spring because it's so weak. After-market Hi-Cap's aren't much better. You'd be better off using 3 1 Low-cap Mags for skirmishes!
- The Charging Arm is GLUED Fixed, unlike the Elite Model. This is LAME as they could have left it working even if it didn't operate the Electric BlowBack Bolt on the Elite Model. Just had a small spring in there!! I'm also going to post how to do this on that posting.

Summary: WTH! For the money, this is a great FUN Machine Gun to Indoors Skirmish with in MilSim or other Airsoft Games! Outdoors, I'll stick with my GBBR M4 Mk18 replica; ... but indoors this is my choice!

"AirPowerTactical" @
by Logan P. on 02/24/2019
"I bought this as one of my first good quality guns. I've had it for about a year and a half and it's been put through a lot and still functions correctly. The only problem I found with it was that the hi-cap magazine that it came with doesn't want to feed the bb's into the top of the magazine when the wheel is spun
by Brandon N. on 11/25/2017
"When I received the package, the package was surprisingly light. I opened the box and grabbed the gun by the front rails and I thought it was gonna be light but it was heavier than expected for a abs plastic smg.

I don't know why everyone is complaining about the hicap mag not working. Mine works great but the gear is small and there is a wall around it.

Great performer for beginners and people who want a cool wall hangar.

Airsoft Lightning
by Matthew R. on 09/23/2016
"This is a very comfy gun, shoots well also very accurate. Batteries are easy to swap out and you could probably do it in like 10 seconds if you get good enough at it. I highly recommend getting a couple mid caps for it as the stock high cap is pretty bad it hardly even feeds when using an 8.4. It has a really nice gearbox. I popped it outta the gun to look at it and it looks really nice. Now onto the Pros and cons

-good gearbox
-can use up to a 7.4
-Mags are inexpensive (UFC mags are what you should get they've never misfed
-A lot of rail space for such a compact gun
-Light weight

-High cap mags are pretty bad
-Battery door isn't really strong so if you don't close it all the way when folding out the stock it could break
-8.4s in this gun will almost never feed the gun in my experience I recommend 9.6 or higher

Over all a very respectable gun and I even got a few offers on mine when I got it. Great starter to intermediate gun completely stock
However if you're going to a milsim I'd recommend a high torque motor and a tightbore along with maybe getting the piston shimmed other than that I highly recommend.
by Jasper B. on 08/06/2016
"Disclaimer: I got this gun in the 5$ SWAG pack, so my opinion may be slightly biased.
This is an awesome CQB gun. It shoots very accurately, comes with a great rotary hop up unit stock, is very comfortable, the rails feel sturdy, there is great #StockAction. Additionally, the gun just sounds great while firing.

The few cons: The mag it comes with sucks. It feels cheap and is not reliable while feeding. However this is not a big deal, as midcaps are only 10 bucks. Secondly, the charging handle does not function in any way, which means you can not use the amazing "HK Slap"
Lastly, the sights are made out of some cheap feeling plastic, but so far they have held up well, and are decently low profile.
by Anthony C. on 11/21/2015
"Great beginer gun wonderful aeg great for cqb would recomend
by Christopher T. on 09/16/2015
"Great gun! I own an AK-47 AEG, and a G3 AEG, and I prefer this gun. Attached I have a flashlight, silencer, red dot sight and fore grip which makes the gun look very tactical. This gun is a close quarters gun, not really valuable in a lot of open outdoor game but a great gun for ambushing or flanking. Also great to use on a vehicle.

I made some changes to the gun:
-I took of the orange tip
-I took off a section in the front of the gun that was meant for a sling (I use the back for my 1 clip sling)
-Adding a silencer on this gun is kind of vital due to the fact that the barrel isn't the best length for an airsoft gun

-Great accuracy
-Can be used left handed and right handed (a shooter should be comfortable to shoot both ways)
-Light weight (heavy with all the attachments I have but still lighter than other players guns with the same attachments)
-Foldable stock is good in CQC/CQB and vehicles
-I get a lot of compliments and people coming up asking me about the gun
-I have had it for almost a year now and not a single problem with the gun, but had problems with the high cap mags
-Comes with Hop-up system

-High caps suck and have gear problems which cannot be fixed really (get about 5 mid caps)
-Buy a better battery and use the one it comes with as an extra
-Really great gun, and you should get it!
by jeffrey k. on 05/19/2015
"It shoots great and I had a lot of fun with this air soft gun on the down side the original hi cap mag is not the best but the umerex mid cap is a great purchase for this gun. I did have A problem with fire mode selector switch but I sent it back to the manufacture and they fixed it free of charge only had to pay for shipping so if your looking for a air soft to fun with this is the one to get the recoil and the fast fire rate is awesome, definitely a good purchase.
by Matthew H. on 12/25/2014
"This gun is one of the best I have used. Good strong polymer and metal rails. My favorite smg.
Pros: compact
Metal rails
Great rof
Great rail space
Great fps
Good battery
Cons: the hi cap mag is horrid. Buy a new one. Besides that no cons
by Joseph I. on 12/02/2014
"I have had this gun for about 3 months now and love the ump platform. Outside body is good and sturdy and have no complaints, but would recommend the threaded metal outer barrel upgrade. I would buy this gun over and over again as it is the only ump platform currently available. I have had the gun apart and have had to make many mods to bring it up to the quality I prefer. The inner barrel is garbage and needs to be replaced. the compression in the cylinder in non existent and will need to be upgraded, and is you are going to run a 120 spring change the motor. Gears and other internal parts are of decent quality and should last quite a while. Overall I would highly recommend this aeg but be prepared to put about $100 in after market parts if you are like me and like a quality internally working aeg. I would defiantly buy this gun again. I would not be happy with the gun stock however but not a big deal to me.
by Max R. on 12/02/2014
"Very very good gun. Great for CQB, foldable stock. It looks lighter than it actually is.

- Good weight
- Loud if you like that
- Great accuracy
- Perfect for CQB
- Feels good in the hands

- The safety dial is a bit wobbly and dosent always click in
- Charging handle is just "there" but dosent work.
by Kaleb S. on 12/02/2014
"Just got this gun and it is awesome ! VERY heavy and powerful. You can just feel the power behind it, when the guy reviewed it on here i think his battery was low, because mine chronoed at close to 400. (393 to be specific) so yeah, im js ! I recommend this to any airsofter. Do NOT use the bb's with oil on them or it wont feed pretty much at all. But premiums and other dry .2's and up work great. Very accurate. 5/5 :)