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Angel Custom CNC Advanced Stainless Ribbed Airsoft AEG Cylinder (Model: Type 1 / Teardrop)

ID: 38480 (AC-CYD-R03)
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Angel Custom



  • Steel construction
  • CNC machined steel cylinder
  • Fits most standard Version 2 and 3 gearboxes
  • Perfect for the Airsoft techs and enthusiasts
  • Teardrop-styled cylinder allows unrestricted air blow-off, for heavier weighted springs
An Airsoft gearbox cylinder provides a temporary storage for the air needed to create the pressure needed for each bb projection. Due to various barrel length available on the rifles, the engineers at Angel Custom have designed these maximum performance cylinders to meet your optimization needs. The Angel Custom cylinders are made with the best precision possible utilizing stainless steel and cnc processing, matching these cylinders up with a good piston head will enable your AEG optimized high performance and power!

Manufacturer: Angel Custom


Recommended Inner Barrel Length: 318mm - 510mm
Compatibility: For most Standard Length Airsoft AEG Gearboxes
Material: CNC Machined Stainless Steel

Disclaimer: Recommended for users with Airsoft gearbox experience.
Note: Don't forget! When installing the cylinder, the ports should always face towards the spring guide!

What Are Type 0, 1, 2, and 3 cylinders?

  • Type 0: Type 0 Cylinders are full volume cylinders that use all the amount of air in the cylinder to propel a BB forward. Works best with 363mm to 550mm inner barrel lengths as that amount of air will be needed to push bbs farther in Rifle and DMR-style builds.
  • Type 1: Type 1 Cylinders are ported cylinders that are cut right at the edges of a cylinder to utilize a portion of the full amount of air volume. Works best with 318mm to 510mm inner barrel lengths for Carbine-like builds.
  • Type 2: Type 2 Cylinders are ported cylinders that have inset cuts a third of the way into a cylinder to allow more air blow-off. Works best with 280mm to 430mm inner barrel lengths for PDW and CQB builds.
  • Type 3: Type 3 Cylinders are ported cylinders that are cut at about the middle of the way into a cylinder to let half the overall air volume generated to be blown out. Works best with 45mm to 229mm inner barrel lengths for extremely short barrel builds and CQB oriented DSG builds.

  • About Angel Custom

    Angel Custom was founded on a mission to promote satisfaction and excitement on the Airsoft battlefield. Founded by Airsofters searching for perfections, it is our joy and pride to present you our battle tested creations. We strive to provide quality products and services that are reliable and trustworthy to be worthy of the trust placed in us.

    15 Customer Reviews

    (Write a review)

    by Rick S. on 10/29/2020
    "Great cylinder works great with Maxx Or ASG/Lonex cylinder heads. It's becoming my go to cylinder
    by Bill S. on 06/11/2020
    "this cylinder looks great, the air seal is great. the only thing that i have against it is the ribbed part of it, dust and dirt builds up in it and is very hard to clean out, again this is only on the outside of it. still a good cylinder
    by Bill S. on 05/09/2020
    "excellent cylinder. great air seal and looks gorgeous. 10/10

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