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G&G GR16 CQW RUSH Airsoft Blowback AEG Rifle (Package: Tan / Gun Only)

4 Customer Reviews

by Claudine L. on 01/05/2016
"awesome gun! it really shoots 380 with .12
by Brandon H. on 03/24/2014
"My last gun, extremely durable and accurate. It is pretty loud and has an ok ROF for 200 dollars save up for a g&p or kwa. Oh yeah and be careful the flash hider is very sharp and caused me to cut a guys hand open at my first big game.
by carter c. on 01/01/2013
"this gun is light, tough, and reliable. i have used this gun in both indoor and outdoor fields, it worked great for both. this is the best gun that i have ever owned.
by joe s. on 08/20/2016
"i have had this gun for about a year and a half and it has worked very well and has never broken on me i have since replaced the spring and the hopup and barrel and the gearbox has been tuned ill tell you what a well tuned G&G guns are great but back to the review this gun is very solid and very lightweight im able to carry this thing all day without getting tired its also very straight shooting with a effective range of 120 feet although it cant really run high end lipos or springs becuase the internals are good but there not of upgraded quality like krytac but for a cheaper gun that is fun and just works well on a 9.6 this is good