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Matrix Hook and Loop U.S. IFF Flag Patch (Color: Multicam / Reverse)

ID: 38547 (Patch-17772)
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Rotchco Hook and Loop U.S. IFF Flag Patch - Multicam / Reversee

Designed to fit on most airsoft tactical vests, caps and uniforms with hook and loop attachments. Great for Combat Simulation, scenario war gaming, costumes and movie prop use. Matches most OD, Multicam, Land Camo and other similar color uniforms.

Dimensions: 2" x 3"

Stars Lead the Way, Soldier:
When worn on the right sleeve, it is considered proper to reverse the design of the flag so that the stars, or Union, are at the observers right to suggest that the flag is flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward.

About IFF Patches:
IFF Flags identify friendly individuals to prevent friendly-fire. IFF flags with hook and loop are often placed on helmets, tactical vests, backpacks, caps, BDU's, etc.

25 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Christine P. on 02/22/2018
"A very well made patch, and the colors on it look good. Not really much else to say.
by Russell B. on 09/11/2017
"It's a good quality US flag patch, not much to say about it.
by Andy A. on 04/10/2017
"Perfect full color US Flag. Non-reverse.

Pros: Full color, regular Old Glory, low price means very affordable.

Cons: Because it is full color it won't help you hide, if you need reverse this isn't it.

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