"My Pin Broke on the back when I screwed it on, is there a way I can buy extra pins for my helmet because I can't find that anywhere, the pins are easily breakable, and the pieces slide out of the helmet easily and they are supposed to fit my helmet, proceed with caution if you purchase this protector
"Prepare your eyes, this is a long review.
This is one of those items im a bit on the fence about. First of all, if you aren't DIY inclined, dont buy these. The way this fastens to your helmet is a flawed design, if they gave you 2 of the same fasteners for each side, it wouldn't be a problem, but of course, someone had a brain fart and kind of messed this design up. One of the fasteners for the lower rear sides of the helmet comes in 2 pieces, mine came in broken (of course). Its a little plastic base with a lever type deal that you insert, and then twist. The problem is, the material is super cheap and flimsy, and does a terrible job fastening the cover to your helmet because it easily unhinges itself and pops off the helmet due to it's low retention. What I did was take a screw, a washer, and a nut, and replaced the lever with it so the rear portion of the cover can remain on the helmet. I'm not sure why they didn't just make it like this in the first place, or just give you four of the same screw in fasteners. Another issue is the screws for the fasteners that go in the front side of the helmet. The heads are too small, so its very easy for them to pull through the holes in the rubber material. Again, I just added a few small washers to hold the cover in place. With the mods I added, these covers are practical and stay where they need to, which they should have done in the first place. The only real reason im giving this two extra stars than I would have, is because a fine young gentleman from evike said he would send me a new pair to make up for the absolute garbage parts that were included in the first set I bought. With the way I have mine set up now (after two hours of tweaking) everything works as intended. It keeps bb's from flying down my ear canal, which is great, because I mainly play cqb. But it kind of looks a bit weird from the front due to the fact the covers are made of rubber, and tend to look a bit floppy like the previous reviewer said. So yeah, kind of dog ear style and not really tapered to the helmet to look streamlined. But from the sides, it looks fine. But for all intents and purposes, this does just as it should, so I don't necessarily blame the product itself, just the guys who decided to go with the terrible fasteners. I'm sure there are plenty of other covers floating around the interwebs, so go with one of those instead. But if its more convenient for you, buy this, go to a local hardware store, buy a few different sized washers, 2 small/short lengthed bolts, a couple of nuts, and throw away those levers, because they're more trouble than benefit.