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Free Shipping for Orders over $149. EPIC DEALS released daily! "Gunner Girl" Airsoft PVC Hook and Loop Patch

5 Customer Reviews

by Caleb C. on 06/05/2023
"I bought this patch on June 27, 2013. It is almost my 10th year of owning this patch from the time of writing June 5, 2023.

The good:
Velcro works great
Image quality is perfect
Long lasting

Bad: Around year 7 the velcro backing came off and I had to glue it back on. I could have sewn it back on as well but I was lazy.

I'm much older now and don't wear patches in public, but they decorate the inside of my trunk in my car. I don't even airsoft anymore, I just came here to mention how great a patch this had been.
by Caleb C. on 01/23/2021
"Perhaps my favorite patch I've ever owned. I've had it for years and currently keep it attached to the felt in my car trunk, where all of my patches are. There actually is an artwork online similar to this patch and I've always been a fan of it. This is a great way to show your support for Evike as well and who doesn't like that?
by Corey S. on 07/25/2014
"Cool patch for anime fans who want to show their Evike pride!
by Jayson H. on 11/21/2013
"It's a cool little patch if you're into anime or just like the look of it.

Pros: Looks nice

Cons: None
I had to superglue it back to base when a friend tried to tear it off my vest to "demote" me, not really nice of him but thank god for glue/sewing machines.

Overall: It's a good patch just dont try to forcefully tear it off (Like anything else) they break.
by Samuel E. on 06/06/2013

awesome rubber and great velcro. Quite large!!! IT EVEN LOOKS LIKE MY GIRLFRIEND!!! XD