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Angel Custom SorboPads (Hardness: 40 / 1/4" V6)

8 Customer Reviews

by Vincent S. on 01/05/2022
"works as expected
by kameron w. on 08/10/2017
"I recommend putting these in any gun that you have to open the gearbox on it's worth every bit of its $5 in helping making your gearbox quieter last longer function smoother and more efficiently
by Austin L. on 08/26/2014
"Fit perfectly with my silent piston head (as advertised). This is a lot softer and higher quality than the sorbopad that came with my SHS cylinder head (and that one's already a lot nicer than stock sorbos). Now, my gun is silent if you stand ten feet away! I would recommend these sorbos for any gun, and I really hope Evike starts restocking them.

Note: This isn't going to silent your gun as drastically as mine; it'll definitely help, but you have to go through other steps as well (noise reducing foam where you can, 1.5:1 cylinder-to-barrel air volume, perfect shimming, etc.).
by Samuel O. on 11/27/2013
"Great! Just great! I use this in my Shadow Ops L96.

Very cheap in price, not cheaply made. Doesn't tear easily, durable, easy installation and lengthens the life of your piston head by making the clashing between the nozzle and piston less hurtful I guess you could say. Makes the gun much more quiet as well! Highly recommended!
by Kelly C. on 08/28/2012
"Great product, really squishy and a great shock absorber! Corrected my AoE on my custom G36C and gave it a nice sound.
Easy to install

Reduces cylinder volume=slightly lower fps

by david c. on 07/25/2012
"so i bought this and im very happy. it definently changes the sound of your gun to a healthier one. i got it for the silent operation and to prolong my gearbox life. next time ill buy a couple because they seem to go fast and i want them in all my guns.
by Kevin L. on 10/21/2023
"Works Great, Overpriced.

Get the correct type for your gearbox and this will work great. (Note: You will need to file down the gears on piston to make sure the angle of engagement (AOE) is correct.)

Overall, this is a must-buy. I just wish it was cheaper. You can make one for cheaper if you have the skills, but it's probably not worth it for people like me who only has one or two guns.
by Johnson P. on 07/27/2018