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Angel Custom "Spetsnaz" 14mm Negative CNC Aluminum Airsoft Flash Hider

ID: 43680 (AC-FH-11)
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Angel Custom


A replica of the world famous flash-hider used by Russian Spetsnaz forces. Highest quality construction with Angel custom's impeccable finish and design. A must have for those looking for the best of the best!

  • Made from CNC Machined Aluminum
  • Attaches to all 14mm Negative Outer Barrels
  • Large, Agressive Design

  • Diameter: 30mm
    Length: 80mm
    Threads: 14mm Negative
    Material: CNC Aluminum

    Manufacturer: Angel Custom

    About Angel Custom

    Angel Custom was founded on a mission to promote satisfaction and excitement on the Airsoft battlefield. Founded by Airsofters searching for perfections, it is our joy and pride to present you our battle tested creations. We strive to provide quality products and services that are reliable and trustworthy to be worthy of the trust placed in us.

    2 Customer Reviews

    (Write a review)

    by Jacob I. on 04/07/2015
    "Bought this to round out an FSB inspired AK.

    First impressions:
    -Built of sturdy machined aluminum. Threads are near exact to 14mm, with little to no play in the fit. Threads go a little bit further than they should, allowing it to be screwed on past center.
    -Large. Measures right around 3.25" in length
    -Represents real-steel version very well.

    -Large vents create cross winds near the end of the barrel, allowing for some errant shots. Nothing too drastic, but expect some shots to not be center.
    -Locking notch doesn't fit pin. It may just be my gun, but the pin is placed too low for the notch to be of any use. I had to file the pin down in order for it to work.

    Overall, this is a very good investment for anyone looking to sharpen up their AK and bring it into the modern era. Sturdy, well made, and sharp looking, this was money well spent.
    by john g. on 08/09/2013
    "so i got this flash hider just yesterday and i placed it on the Wellfire MK96 and it looks absolutly asom it makes my gun look more agressive this would be a nice flash hider to put on your assult rifle or sniper to give it that little edge in the way your gun looks

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