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LCT LK-53 Stamped Steel Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: A2 / Standard AEG)

4 Customer Reviews

by Cameron M. on 02/07/2024
"Love this gun! It is solid. No wobble in the stock or mag. Mags take some getting used to, you have to rock it in just right or it won’t lock, Similar to an ak. Battery space is lacking hard on the a3 so I took the included handguard drilled some holes to add a rail and have a battery in a PEQ box. Even the smallest battery I could find wouldn’t fit without smashing the wires and worry about damaging them.
If you want it stock it works great. But I’ve gone in and upgraded the motor and hopup and a few other things and this thing is a beast!
by Alexander E. on 08/14/2022
"i got the LK-53-A3 (extendable stock version). this thing kicks ass! if you've ever seen the HK-53 review video on YT by Vickers Tactical, you know that this assault SMG is a very violent weapon indeed! well, the airsoft replica version by LCT does not disappoint, either. the EBB is amazing; it definitely gives a 'kick' and a bit of recoil for every shot. make sure you have at minimum a good 3s (3*4.2v = 12.6v) LiPo battery, because the EBB needs quite a bit of juice to work well. my only gripe is the battery compartment in the handguard is very minimal space for a 3s battery; recommend either a small FPV quadcopter 3s or one of those LiPos where it's split into 3 different parts.
by CALEB K. on 07/03/2022
"As with all the other ‘“HK’ but not HK” series, solid build.
Externally, my favorite of any HK53/33/51. Real steel stocks do require some grinding to fit if you’re hoping to add other items.
Internally, not disappointing, but still in that “one step behind” that LCT has found itself in. I like that they’ve switched over to QC gearboxes, but no MOSFET and still using a very “meh” motor along with 18:1 gears. Unsurprisingly, the A3 has pretty crap battery space.
Overall, very happy with my extremely dense little gun and do recommend it. It’s easily upgradable if you want to drop some better stuff in. I finally dropped in an ETU and might go with a brushless motor to better put to use a 7.4v so the battery space isn’t as much of an issue. That way I don’t feel obligated to use an external source.
by Nick G. on 08/13/2022
First off super awesome and heavy duty steel! This gun is a hefty beast even for being the stubby LK-53 model. Feels like 8 solid pounds of solid heft. With all that said I have a problem and it’s with the (A3) model. The collapsible stock model. It’s wired to the front handguard and there is no room for any decent sized battery. I used 11.1 lipos and 7.4 lipos and butterfly types and still doesn’t fit. So I recommend getting the fixed stock version because it’s wired to the stock with more space. Also does NOT accept MP5 handguards. LK-53 handguard is bigger and little bit longer in dimension and will not take MP5 handguards.

-built like a tank!
-accurate with .28
-HK slap all day because it’s made of Steel
-Magazines fit in M4 style pouches

-A3 version has no battery space in handguard
-Magazines expensive and proprietary.
-LCT accessories expensive (top rail, metal rail handguard)
-Tamiya connection
-Heavy in weight ( awesome feel but unpractical for airsoft)

Overall I’d say it’ll be worth it but just get the A2 (fixed stock) version