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Arcturus Variable Cap Silent 30/135 Round Mid-Cap AEG AK12 Magazine (Package: Single Mag)

4 Customer Reviews

by John B. on 02/13/2024
"Follow up to my last review. I'm buying more of these. Best fitting and functioning AK mags I've used. Also good looking and well made. I'm running these in LCT and E&L AK's with stock hop ups and the fit and function is superior. After upgrading the Hop unit in my LCT AK-19 these mags are now working perfectly in that gun as well.
by John B. on 01/18/2024
"I bought one of these to try in an LCT AK-19, since the LCT mags are pretty flimsy and funky looking. These Arcturus mags are well made, good looking, and feed well in my E&L AK's. A very superior AK-12 type magazine. Unfortunately they don't work well in the LCT AK-12/19. It will fire 3 to 4 rounds and then stop feeding due to not sitting up high enough in the magwell. My MAG Brand and G&P mags work well in the LCT, but not these. Unfortunate because they're the best of this type of mag available.
by Sean S. on 06/04/2022
"A bit more expensive than your average AEG magazine but, I've never had any feeding problems. And for one of my mags, I tested it by dropping it several times on a driveway and afterwards, it only has a few scratches. Nothing major at all. Very much so worth it.
by Nick C. on 01/15/2022
"Great feeding mags but they broke the first day I used them. The little plastic tabs that hold in the internal magazine inside the shell breaks way too easily. This is because I’m order to change from 130-30 round mags u have to remove the inner mag. Would rather just use a standard mag. Metal tabs would hold in the mag better.