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EMG SAI Tier One Flat Trigger for Elite Force GLOCK GBB Pistols (Color: Black / Red)

8 Customer Reviews

by Alexander H. on 07/29/2023
"Dropped this into a EMG TTI G34 Combat Master with the Omega Frame by APS with no issues after the trigger safety snapped on the stock trigger. Works just fine, adjustable, and I like the way the red safety tab on the trigger I selected looks against the deep black of the gun. Here's hoping this one holds up long term.
by David R. on 11/19/2022
"Very nice machining, fits perfectly and has a good pull and reset. Great buy
by Jonathan F. on 02/16/2021
"Looks good, feels great. Fits into the Elite Force Glock 19 very well.
Only minor issue is it doesn’t clear the safety catch on every trigger pull so it doesn’t lock the safety. This doesn’t effect the trigger pull in any way but the safety doesn’t always work like it should. A little careful filing will solve this though. Otherwise it’s nearly perfect.
by Jordan P. on 07/01/2020
"Looks great, there should really be more upgrade parts for the elite force glocks out here
by Michael I. on 09/02/2023
"Decent trigger, it took some pretty decent modification to fit in the EF Glock 45 gen 5. It is considerably thicker than the stock trigger. You’ll need to file it.
by Maksim P. on 07/22/2023
"Nice aesthetic, functions as intended in G17 Gen 5 by Umarex, but you will have to forsake the slide lock since it is ambidextrous. Not a concern for me and it suits my purposes.
by Carlos M. on 08/07/2022
"Great trigger, love it way more than the stock one, I can spam the heck out of shots with and it’s a comfy trigger. However, the two small screws on the trigger tend to wiggle out on their own for mine, even after I screw them down till they are flush with the trigger. I’ll see if maybe a tiny bit of loctite blue helps keep them from jumping out on their own.
by Zack P. on 10/05/2021
"This trigger seems to be made very well but the down fall to it is it does not fit the elite force 19x dues to the slide release being ambidextrous, good thing I plan on building a g19, ill just use it in that.