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APS 300rd U-Mag Hi-Cap Magazine for M4 Airsoft AEG Rifles (Color: Dark Earth)

11 Customer Reviews

by Zachary N. on 11/16/2019
"Awesome, fits and feeds perfectly to my gun while some other mags don’t
by Nate M. on 04/15/2019
"So far im loving these mags. They are cheap, the feed quickly (i havent had any problems with my 20rps fire rate), and they stand out from other mags so you wont lose them as easily.
by Garrett G. on 01/22/2019
"I purchased 3 and have not had any loading, feeding, and/or fitment issues in my Ameoba AEG!
by Gia Bao T. on 12/05/2018
"Beautiful, Easy to use & reload.
by Caleb e. on 11/07/2017
"i bought this really in need of a good hicap and that's what i got, 10/10
by Ethan A. on 03/01/2016
"Sturdy little bugger. feeds everything i have put in it and is light weight but strong. haven't had to clean once.
needs frequent winding bit its a high-cap duh.
by Russell E. on 09/05/2015
"These mags are amazing, I had trouble with my metal mags so I bought one of these. Hands down the best mag Ive come by. The quality and dependability of these mag are amazing they are just as good, if not better than Magpul P mags. They feed amazing and are totally worth the buy.
by Luke W. on 12/13/2018
"Great quality mags, however they do not fit in the UAR gen 2’s....loves my ics m4 tho!
by Brian N. on 03/04/2022
"Looks great on my gun, however I have slight trouble fitting it into my gun as well as major feeding problems. Only about 3-4 shots on 1 full rotation. It may function differently on your gun.
by Jorge M. on 01/16/2019
"AVOID for Lancer Tactical guns!

I'm giving this a neutral review based on the fact that it seems to work for other people but for my Lancer Tactical (and couple of friends guns from Lancer too) this will not fit unless you really jam it there and then it won't come out.

I'm not sure if its a Lancer issue with fitment or using non standard magazines but for me this was wasted money.

Again AVOID this if you have a Lancer Tactical gun get ONLY Lancer mags!!!
by michael m. on 10/01/2016
"Just picked this guy up for my G&G CQB S-Mini. Very unimpressed with it. Only feeds 30% of my shots. I have never had any issues at all with any other magazine, mid or high cap. Would strongly not recommend it.