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BOLT M4 B-4 SOPMOD B.R.S.S. Full Metal Recoil EBB Airsoft AEG Rifle (Color: Black)

5 Customer Reviews

by Garrett W. on 04/25/2021
"Well what can I say it's really good I like it a lot. I'm a person who like to get the most realistic thing as possible and this gun had all of it the kickback was really good and to me the kick is one of the most important things in my opinion. It's kinda heavy of course because it's fully metal and that's the way I like it anyways and every thing else is good except a few thing which are the cons. So the cons in my opinion are these, the qaud rail, barrel, forward sight that kinda area has movement, so mine can turn to the right just a little bit and when I turn it to left it centers, what I mean as in turn I mean twist or something like that. Just would like to have a tight sturdy quad rail area that doesn't move but not a big deal by any means. The other con I had with it could of just been either from assembly or maybe the recoil but anyways under the buffer tube I think it's called that, there's a separate piece that is held in by 3 little screws that is holding in place the crane stock selector of how far you want it in or out. So I went to play some airsoft with a friend out in the woods before we even started the entire stock assembly fell apart and I lost a screw but found the other 2 but was able to get a temporary fix and went off doing are thing. I noticed earlier that stock selector piece was a little loose but I thought nothing of it. Thank God the accessory box came with three extra replacement screws. If I were you I would put blue lock tight on the screws so they don't get loose from recoil or anything else don't do this if your not experienced with taking apart this and so on plus blue lock tight won't lock it in place to the point where you can't back out the screws.
by Luke O. on 02/06/2018
"Got this gun about a year ago and it has been my work horse since getting it. Looked perfect straight out of the box, packaging was very professional. Not just a tan cardboard box but a nice official package. gun was held in box with Velcro straps and not zipties which was a nice touch. Stock my gun shot 370ish (i know thats not the case with all) which was perfect for what i need it for. EBB works great, nothing like real steel obviously but enough bump to let you know its there. If you end up taking this gun apart you will be happily surprised with how good the stock internals are: light weight all metal teeth piston with ported aluminium piston head, steel gears, metal cylinder head, madbull inner barrel. getting the rear wires to come forward for taking the gearbox out can be tricky as they are not ran through the buffer tube (where the EBB weight and spring are) but there are plenty of online help and videos to show you how to do it. I have never had a part break on me yet. Did have the trigger slip past the contact switch but that i believe was a result of my battery dying halfway through a cycle. Once tension was release from the spring trigger worked fine again. I run 9.6v batteries and have never had an issue other then since this gun is an EBB it goes through batteries a little faster which is to be expected. I have use 11.1v which gives a noticeable difference in trigger response but I personal use 9.6v because im paranoid of moving that weight a little to fast and breaking something. Only thing i would change is the mag well is just a tad wide and mags can end up with some slop and bang around or not feed well. this is an easy fix however by just taping your mags or shimming your mag well, having said that i would rather have a mag well be too big then too small. over all excellent gun and would highly recommend.

good fps
VERY well built
EBB is aggressive but not too aggressive
good weight
all metal

rear wires can be tricky to get out
small amount of slop in mag well
by Jonathan H. on 05/31/2014
"Bought this gun a few weeks ago and after running it in 3 major games i thought I would do a review. Out of the box it looked well made stury no scratches or dings. I did notice the bolt cover was bent but i didn't mind was easier to access hop up when it sticks back instead of holding back on the charging handle. The hop up took a few turns on the dial before it seemed to lift the bb but once it was on i was really impressed with the range i was getting. my shots were more consistent with.28 bbs The kick on the gun (which is why of course I bought it) was great!!! Especially in full auto you can really feel the gun move. The gun did chrono low like 318 out of the box so even though it had good range it took the bb a little too long for my taste to get there. Taking this gun apart sucks!!! because of the way the gun is wired the wires get in the way when taking if apart and putting back together (make sure you have a AR tool makes it eaiser). Gun came with a 11.1 battery but i would suggest buying another one cause my last about a half a day of full play. Overall i'm very happy with the gun and all my friends that have shot it have been impressed. I added a DD rail to mine with kac suppressor. Actually thinking of getting another and having evike install a 120 spring in it.

1 Well made
2 KICK!!!
3 Good range.(I use .28 with mine)

1 Low Fps
2 wiring position
3 no sling adapter
by Robert P. on 01/10/2023
"It's a solid rifle. It feels very solid and the recoil is a nice touch, but be careful of the rear wired model. After a few mag dumps testing some magazines in it the recoil cut the battery wires. Just something to be cognizant of.
by Jonathan E. on 04/29/2014
1) Nice look & feel
2) Good Accuracy/FPS/RoF
3) EBB feels great

1) Tappet plate broke on first day of use and jammed the gear box.
2) Bolt cover bent and jammed the gun after 15 minutes of use on the second day

I haven't been able to use it much in the 3 weeks I've owned it, as it has been broken most of the time. When it works, it works well. I hope my experience has been a fluke and isn't reflective of the overall quality from Bolt.