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Shellback Tactical Banshee Shoulder Pad Sets (Color: Black)

ID: 48981 (SBT-SPA2-BK)
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Shellback Tactical


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The Shellback Tactical Banshee Shoulder Pad sets come in sets of 2 and are extra padded for that added shoulder relief from heavy loads and engineered to be super breathable using top of the line advanced materials.

Although made for the Banshee and Banshee QD they are also compatible with the AGGRESSOR, Combat Aggressor, and will also fit most plate carriers in the market. This is a great ergonomic comfortable addition to all vests and will help distribute weight that causes fatigue and pain.

Many have called them shoulder savers. These shoulder pads are a worthwhile upgrade especially when wearing your carrier with soft armor, plates and loaded magazines. For all the LEO's out there, they will come in handy if you need to wear your full kit on a lengthy perimeter.


  • Fully padded for lasting comfort
  • Helps evenly disperse the weight of the plate carrier over your shoulders for added relief from heavy kits
  • Breathable mesh material
  • Compatible with Banshee Plate Carrier as well as various other brands of plate carriers
  • Made in the USA
Color: Black

Manufacturer: Shellback Tactical

About Shellback Tactical

Michael Wratten is the Founder and Director of Shellback Tactical. After graduating from the Los Angeles Police Academy in 1996, Mike worked several assignments within the Los Angeles Police Department. These assignments include Narcotics and the SES Gang Unit. After 6 years with the LAPD, Mike moved on to the West Covina Police Department to continue his service to the community. In 2002, inspiration struck and Mike founded Shellback Tactical to provide operator focused tactical gear for the first responders protecting our communities and our service members throughout the world who protect our freedom every day.

Operator Evolved Gear is a mindset and commitment that we at Shellback Tactical take towards all of our current tactical equipment and future projects. The world is changing very rapidly and with that, the gear needs of the Operator evolve and change. This design approach to the way we look at building tactical equipment is our commitment to you the Operator. Whether your mission and needs are Law Enforcement or Military focused, you can count on us to answer the call with cutting edge, forward thinking and advanced equipment. Rest assured that Shellback Tacticals gear will always be made with the highest quality materials and design processes that will exceed your needs and expectations.

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