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NcSTAR MOLLE Tactical Rifle / Shotgun Scabbard (Color: Urban Gray)

8 Customer Reviews

by Collin D. on 11/24/2018
"Ive been moving more for an OD green loadout, and found this gem while trying to solve my "ineedsomewheretostorermyshotgun" troubles. This Scabbard works beutifully, it is very well crafted and will mold to different shotguns. The Tokyo Marui AA12 DOES fit, however it is very odd when it comes to balance. I have mine attached to the MOLLE lining on the back of my plate carrier, and overall i have found no issues, malfunctions, or bad views of this Scabbard.
by john l. on 01/17/2014
"The holster will fit almost any types of rifle as long as the barrel to the pistol grip is less than 28". It will even fit rifles with grenade launcher attachments, but however side mount such as peq or flash lights will be a tight fit. The item comes with many molle and attachment points to mount on your load out anyway imaginable.
by Lampson N. on 04/08/2013
"Fit my assualt rifle perfectly. I attached a MOLLE magazine pouch on, now my scabbard can be use as my gun bag instantly. If you did not have a gun bag, buy this instead.
by Brian M. on 11/29/2012
"i got this for my m4 carbine and a G36CV and it works great, the molle on it is very stong and with a red dot on both my guns they fit into the bag just fine and the red dot is 2 1/2 inches tall. the only thing is the gun sits at a little bit of an angle but that isnt a problem. there is a zipper on the open end but its only about 6 inches long and it does help sometimes.

all in all its nice to have and it straps to a vest quite well i would recommend it to anyone who wants or needs a gun bag.
by Benjamin D. on 03/06/2012
"This scabbard is great. I purchased it for the MOLLE but having it across my back inverted is just amazing. I can reach under my arm and retrieve my pistol grip shotgun with ease, making it able to be carried as a secondary. Good amount of MOLLE/D rings, with the lack of one on the reverse side which only urks me because I am a lefty.
by georgette f. on 12/24/2011
"i got this for my submachine guns and my shotgun and they all fit perfectly but if any optics are on it, it wont fit, also the only down side is longer guns like snipers and support weapons like my saw wont fit. but overall a must have for cqc and woodland.
by Nathaniel M. on 07/17/2014
"I got this in the mail a few hours ago along with a tri shot and the condor shotgun scabbard. This scabbard is much better for holding the rifle/shotgun as apposed to the very tight condor scabbard. I fit a UTG M3s in it and with a few changes to the MOLLE strap positions, I made it fit nice and snug in it. I also fit my Echo 1 SM-C in it. My only issue with it is that although it fits the gun well, the MOLLE straps are those Mod straps and they wobble around. It also makes the scabbard and rifle grip hang backwards which is both uncomfortable and hard to reach. If you want a scabbard that can hold almost anything and can quickly draw from it (if you have long arms) I recommend this one. If you prefer just looks and are more interested in comfort, get the condor scabbard (but don't expect to be able to actually draw the weapon).
by Matt F. on 10/25/2011
"Pretty decent if you want something to carry your weapon in. I got it for my SR16 M4. M4s fit perfectly...unless you add things like scopes and such. I set it up on the back of my vest, I wish I could get more MOLLE straps just for a little more stability. it comes with 4 but heavier guns tend to shift around alot and for a skinny guy like me that throws off your whole balance while running.