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Pre-Order ETA June 2025 6mmProShop Full Steel WWII Sterling L2A1 Airsoft AEG Submachine Gun

12 Customer Reviews

by Paul C. on 10/11/2020
"If you want something modern, move on. This is a replica of the Sterling SMG. You won't be able to put optics etc on it, so if you are looking to do that and buy it anyhow, don't hold that against it!

Having used the real thing in the Canadian Armed Forces, I was very happy to see that there was an airsoft version. Like the real thing, it's meant for close combat not for ranged combat.

The feel and look of the AEG are pretty spot on (though ours in the CF had blued bolt carriers if memory serves correct). The stock will take some breaking in to move smoothly. Stock is sturdy when deployed.

About the only con is the battery size. One should be included (it took a few purchases to get the right fitting one!)

It shoots well, I've run about 10 mags worth through mine and no major issues at all. At close range (what it is designed for) it is as accurate as it needs to be. I use it often in CQB and as a backup even.
by marc s. on 10/19/2018
"One of the reasons I started airsoft was to own guns I'd never be able to otherwise. This gun is one of them - it was the British upgrade to the crude unreliable Sten and the designers seemed to have done much more then correct the flaws in the original. The folding stock is well designed, the gun-in-a-pipe design works ergonomically and visually, and is one of the most compact submachine guns in existence. The British used a few in WW2, but not many, as it wasn't in mass production until after the war - and the gun was used by the British in their colonial wars in Aden, Suez conflict, the Mau Mau wars in Kenya, Northern Ireland, everywhere British troops were sent this gun went right along with them.

Anyway,. this gun does the original design justice. Materials and workmanship are first class, the tube is all metal and only the hand grip is plastic, but the gun is so solid you barely notice. With stock folded it is less then 2' long so fits almost anywhere. For such a short barrel the bb power is surprisingly strong, function on full and semi is also very smooth - although you run the mag empty in no time.
This is a great gun, well made and decently powerful, not to mention eye catching. Evike has it the cheapest I have seen anywhere, by a long way. If this were the only airsoft gun i owned i'd be fine with that.
- eye catching appearance
- folding stock (although it's tricky to figure out and there are no instructions with it)
- compact and powerful for its size
- comes lipo ready (but no battery or charger
- No instructions or accessories come with it
- optics and drum mags are impossible
- tracer units or lights also not possible
- spare mags difficult, but not impossible to find
- goes through loaded mags with shocking speed
by Stephen M. on 09/14/2015
"Being a Brit, I had to have this gun, perfect for a Northern Ireland loadout. I've wanted a Sterling for ages and never thought it would be possible to fit an AEG inerds in the little pipe of a gun that the sterling is. So I was amazed when this arrived.

As an AEG it's great, although there's not much room for a battery, but a small Lipo worked fine. Performance is great out of the box and it even has select fire! Not just full auto! The hop works well but it a bit fiddly to get to.

As a replica, I am stunned. Full metal (and good metal not the normal rubbish, feels like proper steel). The stock folds out just like the real thing and is completely solid. This is one of the best replicas I've every come across, I'm not kidding. Perfect in every detail and with all that solid metal feels the right weight. I'm so impressed. This feels lovely just to hold let alone use.
by Tien N. on 03/08/2015

To all you who are on the fence of this gun...let me tell you a tale.

I fielded this gun at the LC Op New Horizon 03-07-2015. If you know the AO it is very challenging with triple canopy conditions this year. At first I started playing with an Echo 1 AK74 and it performed well but as with all AK's the magazine is very long so when in the prone during an ambush it is very hard to get lower to the ground. So after lunch I switched over to my L2A1... a huge advantage. As I mentioned in previous posts I changed out the stock spring with a Matrix M120 and achieved and average 311fps with Matrix .25 bio BB's. This gun performed beyond my wildest dreams. I was able to achieve multiple kills at distance through the thick brush as well as lay in the ambush in a fierce fire fight and get kills. I was concerned about the silver exposed faux bolt as it is not tactical but the color did not give away my position. My over all impression with this gun is very impressed with it's performance and abilities. It's not a DMR but even with a very short barrel I was able to outshoot M4's as well as AK's. If you're looking for that unique look with the ability to dominate at medium to close range get this gun w/plenty of spare mags, be sparing on the trigger and you'll kick ass!
by Tien N. on 01/05/2015
"Update to my earlier post on 12/02/2014:

This past weekend, 01/03/2014 I fielded both of my Sterlings at WarpedOps in Castaic, CA.

My first impression was the Action version magazine capacity really limits your play but makes you very much ammo aware. So trigger control is paramount when you use the Action Sterling. Battery life is not an issue as you can get larger mah batteries into this gun. You will need to get or modify the battery to a mini deans. I did have a catastrophic failure of my anti reversal gear so the gun when down during a fire fight. Outside of the equipment failure the Action Sterling performed great, just be very aware of how much ammo you actually have...very realistic.

The Matrix/Beta Sterling performed just as well but due to the higher magazine capacity you don't need to be as ammo concious. The battery life will just barley cover an entire day of play so I highly suggest you have at least one spare battery on hand.

Range on both guns for such a short barrel is impressive, about 50ft to 75ft using .20gr Matrix BB's. Heavier BB's can and will extend your range and accuracy as expected. Both guns where with stock springs and I plan to install a M115 in the Martix Sterling to up the FPS and range.

If you want to have more battery life then you'll need to install a PEQ box and change your Sterling into an E11 Emperial blaster but then your accuracy will go out the window and you'll shoot no better than a shot gun...;) lol
by Tien N. on 12/02/2014
"I just received both the Action and this version of the Sterling SMG. Here are my initial impressions:

Over all build is good but has no safety or semi setting full auto only. The PTW cylinder is easy to change out adjust the FPS for your needs. The hopup is of the sniper type so an allen key is a must to adjust. Mine has a feeding issue but if I apply a slight forward pressure as I fire it, no issues. As it is it is normal to hold the magwell/magazine as you fire it so pushing forward is a natural feeling. The magazines for the Action vers are very hard to come by and only hold 40rnds or so so trigger control and lots of magazines are needed, lol. The battery for the Action version can only be a 7.4 or 11.1 LiPo flat type with mini deans. The motor sounds like hell when fired but fine adjustment only helps a little bit. BTW, the battery compartment is in the front of the gun.

Unlike the Action the Beta is all black except the faux bolt and charging handle which are sliver. The battery compartment is in the rear and the only battery that will fit is a 7.4 LiPo for a PEQ box with small Tamiya. The next big difference is the folding stock. The Beta is harder to deploy but does not feel like sheet metal. The magazine well is very much curved and deeper. The magazines are the conventional mid cap type and hold about 100rnd whereas the Action looks to be like the MP5 PTW type in a Sterling magazine body and only holds about 40rnds. You'll also note the metal lip on the Matrix/Beta magazines extend beyond the body of the magazine so there is a very sharp edge at the front of the Matrix/Beta magazine. Feeding so far has been flawless unlike the Action version. The hopup adjustment is from the bottom and no tools are needed.

My over all impression of both are great all depends on if you can get magazines for the Action version as they are rare and twice as much as the Matrix/Beta version. So get one and if you're good with tools add a PEQ box to the top and rock like a Storm Trooper!
by rowan b. on 03/23/2015
"So, I'm a HUGE nerd, especially astronomy and science fiction, and I love Star Wars. Ever since I got into airsoft, I've wanted them to make this gun (an affordable, official version), because it is, of course the Stormtrooper/Clone Trooper blaster. So I was beyond thrilled when I found out Evike was going to be carrying this. I preordered, but the order didn't go through, so I had to re-order it. When I got it, the box was slightly damaged, but who cares, right?? When I took it out, I had a full-on Nerdgasm. Though after my initial excitement, I realized it was a bit beat up. The bolt has a huge black scratch on it, the aluminum inner butt piece is slightly rusted and there are a few nicks and scratches on the rest of the gun. Not that bad, but like it was a used gun. Needless to say, I'm planning on returning it for a new one, as this is the most money I've ever spent on an airsoft gun. HOWEVER, that is the ONLY problem I had!!! The gun itself is the best airsoft gun I've ever had/fired. From what I've shot, it out-performs my M16a3, AKs-74u, and SIG carbine. It's a bit heavy, but extremely realistic, and is very compact, but also has a great shoulder stock for braced-firing. Overall, it's the perfect weapon for annihilating Nazis, Aliens, Rebel Alliance soldiers, etc. haha. I highly recommend the gun!
by Jerad P. on 11/18/2022
"The gun itself is ok. It looks sweet it shoots fine nothing great. Fairly accurate, but the first couple magazines it shot fine then it started doing this weird thing where it would shoot 3 round bursts in semi auto... when it was dry fired it was fine but as soon as you put bb's in there so long semi auto....I read online this is a very common thing with this gun. That was a problem but the biggest issue is the magazine.....for a $300 gun you would expect better magazines then these flimsy things, mine lasted 4 loads before it literally crumble to pieces and i heard they can be hard time find sometimes. So two big issues the first day, not cool I'm returning mine.
by Jason G. on 04/27/2021
"Bought this to use as the base for a Rogue One E11 since this is what the screen used blasters used.

Directly out of the box, the gun didn't fire at all. After reading a lot of troubleshooting tips, the motor was either not seated right or not working correctly. It clicks and doesn't spin or move anything. And no.....the safety wasn't on. I tried different batteries but same result.

I had planned to enjoy shooting it a little before I started putting parts on it and dismantling it, but doesn't look like I'll get that chance.
by Jimmy L. on 06/05/2020
"Why is the price higher up, Put it back down to 200..
by Christopher R. on 05/22/2018
by Angello R. on 12/28/2017