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Bravo / Element Night Evolution Airsoft Dual Plug Remote Pressure Switch for PEQ/Laser Devices and Scout Style Tac Lights - Black

4 Customer Reviews

by Mark M. on 01/19/2020
"Awesome product, very low profile and easy to install.
by Jans D. on 10/02/2019
"Works great exactly as described fits nice on piccatiny with a little squeeze.
by Joshua G. on 02/01/2016
"Works great with my bravo light and viper wolf ir green laser peq. No complaints and is worth every penny. Works with my surefire as well.
by Jordan C. on 10/14/2020
"Installed this onto my rail system along with a dbal and mini tac light. Didn't even get to go out to a field to see how my new set up works and the pressure bad some how split down the side. I was shouldering my aeg and practicing mag changes and getting a feel for how my grip on the rail has changed. It breaking before I even got to the field just sucks. I have the augmented night force switch on another set and I will be buying that one to go on this build.