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ARES Amoeba MR/E-SD Airsoft AEG (Color: Dark Earth)

12 Customer Reviews

by John E. on 06/20/2018
"Have owned this weapon for 2 years. I game this every other weekend in outdoor bush games in all weather... rain, snow, and sunshine. Being from nothern Canada I play in some serious weather. I also use this for milsims normally 18hour games both CQB and bush games. All this being said i would say half a million bbs down range and never a fail.

I have replaced the bushings as the OEM became woren. Mag release button fell off but was replaced. These are my only 2 issues. I regularly tear down clean and regrease the gearbox. The quick change spring ia great as I had to detune to make milsim chrono.

This is my go to weapon the one I use all the time. Found blue box midcaps work perfect. Also added the barrel stabilizer. Run 7.4v echo1 lipos great rof as I am mostly a semi auto player. But when I do go auto I am happy to rock and roll.
by Justin S. on 04/28/2017
"I have been running this gun for a year+ now and shot 40,000 rounds through it, easily. I'm a heavy CQB player, and this gun has far exceeded my expectations. When I received it, it was a terrific stock weapon. The rotary style hopup functions perfectly, and the inner barrel is a 6.03 aluminum tightbore. If you spend time tuning the hopup and your red dot, you will easily be able to hit any target within 40 feet and reach ranges of 100 feet. The gun is light, and I can run easily in my environment with it and carry it with one hand when I vault over cover.

I kept the gun stock for about 2 months before I swapped out basic parts: Prowin M4 hopup unit, Angel Custom "W" Bucking, Angel Custom CNC "H-Hop" nub, 6.03 300mm Prometheus tightbore inner barrel, the barrel stabilizing unit available here on Evike (I strongly recommend this, if nothing else) and a Tienly high torque motor. These provide a quicker trigger response and greater accuracy. The polymer receiver is not an issue at all. I've dropped, tossed and hit the gun many times and I've never had an issue.

One con here is the free floating inner barrel, it's easy to correct this with the barrel stabilizing unit, but without it you won't have good BB grouping. Also, the wiring is not the best. If you wire to a deans connector, and want to remove the gearbox, the dean's plug won't fit through the battery storage compartment, so you'll always have to cut off the plug if you want to tech the gun.

Now onto the pro teching for this gun: if you have some cash to spend, and the technical know how, you can take this gun to the next level by buying the Dual Sector Gearset from SeigeTek. Look up some videos and see if this is the upgrade for you, I don't want to spoil anything for you.
by Brandon H. on 04/20/2017
"All around it's a solid machine, few hiccups here and there but that's the only way your going to learn the firearm. I do CQB so out the box it was pushing 440 at the crono; with the easy spring release was able to swap it out for a lower end spring to make it legal in the arena.

*solid build with no wobble
*fast & easy to customize
*a lot of after market accessories for it so not really limited on the battery capabilities
*extremely light weight for those who like to be on the move
*quick release to disassemble to clean or upgrade the internals

*light weight could be a disadvantage to some who prefer heavier firearms
*mag release switch screw will pop out so best to replace it with a better screw
*iron sights are plastic but then again who really uses them?
*price is a little high but then again you honestly get what you pay for...
by Dakota M. on 12/10/2016
"First air-soft gun iv'e purchased and am more than pleased with the results. Chrono 350 out of the box with .25g. After adjusting the hop up the range is great.
by Connor B. on 06/06/2016
"This is, by far, the best rifle I've ever owned. If I upgrade the internals some and extend the range I could turn this into the perfect killing machine! The ROF is INSANE! I'm actually getting sick of telling people and refs that I'm still on semi and not full auto. I never have mag feed issues and it feels like a very sturdy gun.

Time for some cons.
There is a little wobble in the outer barrel but it shouldn't be too hard to fix that so, not really an issue. The biggest con I have is the battery compartment, which is big enough for the smallest batteries available. I fixed this issue simply by electrical taping two batteries to the back end. So again, not really an issue. Also, you can get a custom 3D print to extend the battery compartment. I saw a guy out on the field with an AM-013 and he had that and it worked great.

So no real issues with this gun that can't be fixed with a screwdriver and some tape. Literally. That's about all you need.

Worth $300?

Yes, no more and no less. If you get a discount on it or it goes on sale BUY THIS GUN!

I won't be needing a new rifle for a good long while because this thing is pretty durable and doesn't need any out of the box fixes or upgrades to give you an awesome playing experience!
by Brandon P. on 02/19/2016
"Im going to make this review very brief and to the point for what you can expect.

This AEG is honetly an amazing gun, top to bottom. The ROF is good and its construction is superb. The only wobble is in the stock and the color on the gun isn't shinny but matte colored. This gun can really only take a Matrix 7.4 1500mah lipo because of the battery space. (Dont buy any other because they wont fit) The packing on this gun is alright. The gun comes with 3 extra rails and a mag which is amazing. The tight bore barrel installed keeps your shots really close to each other. The EFCS is a bonus for those who like to customize your shooting style.

everything, besides battery space

As far as i know it can only take a 7.4v MATRIX lipo and not an 11.1v
by devan d. on 10/01/2015
"By far one of the best guns i have owned in my years as an airsofter. The trigger response on this gun is just amazing along with most of it. The iron site could be better but then again they are iron sights. The overall lenght of the gun is great the weight of it is amazing compared to what i use to run which was a full metal fal. Ares has got there guns made right very pleased. Also has two side buttons for the stock and it pops out a little for assistance and its sometimes a pain to retract stock.

fast trigger response
amazing accuracy and range for being only 300mm (with .25g)
Great details in gun
High end quality material
Holds in mags like a charm a little wable every now and thwn but some loop velcro will help with that in the mag well
Fast trigger response
great range
good accuracy
Motor does get a little warm after shooting but im running a 7.4 lipo
mags are a little stiff at first but swapping mags a couple of times it gets perfect
iron sights suck butthole
The battery compartment is really small so you have to get a battery extension to run other lipos in it
the orange tip is aweful

Absolutely an AMAZING GUN!!!!!
the high cap loves to be really tight in the mag well
by Tristen W. on 09/10/2015
"I wanted to buy the AM-013 for a while, but I just knew this gun would make it to America eventually... so happy it did!


The gun came it semi-decent packaging, nevertheless it was held in tight and came unscathed. The gun comes with one amoeba magazine, an unjamming rod, four extra rail segments with screws for all of them, and a parts manual.

This gun is extremely solid polymer with an aluminum handguard, and the ARES quality shows everywhere. The desert tan option looks very nice and matte colored, and isn't shiny or fake looking. The only wobble is in the stock, which is slightly loose in its one extended position. The pistol grip has a great texture. Everything about the gun feels reliable and well made, minus the iron sights which are a nice polymer but non adjustable. It is comfortably lightweight, but still has a solid, good feeling heft.


The suppressor comes with a terribly large orange plastic tip, which is terrible to remove. I tried boiling it off, blow drying it off and prying it off after I got frustrated. Eventually I just took a propane blow torch and melted it until it was squishy enough to pull it off. That's the only way to do it, as the threads inside are purposely messed up to avoid removal.

The handguard and barrel came slightly loose in the box. To fix this, remove the top handguard rail, then take the Allen screw out of the rail to be able to pull it off. Then you can tighten the delta ring on the barrel and reinsert the handguard.


First impressions shooting this gun: trigger response is lightning fast, the gun is very accurate at 100ft+, and the range is superb for a "CQB" weapon. It is a little bit loud for an AEG, but is tolerable. Rate of fire is pretty good, but could be better with a lighter spring. The hop up is a wheel type which is easy to adjust and keeps the hop in the same place. ALL TESTING DONE WITH 0.25G BB AND 7.4V LIPO

Field test of this gun: this isn't a CQB gun, it's a compact assault rifle. I wouldn't suggest using this for only close quarters, that would be wasting this gun's potential. I enjoyed using this at my outdoor field, it allowed me to run around easily but reach out to longer ranges than expected. FPS is higher than it should be for CQB areas. I never felt any arm fatigue from the weight of the gun. In corners it tucks nicely into your shoulders with the stock collapsed and is extremely maneuverable.


The flip up iron sights are non adjustable and don't work very well in general. The battery compartment in the stock is very small and only fits a 7.4 LIPO battery, snugly. The stock does wobble a good bit when extended. Although it's very difficult to do, you can cut thin strips of tape and stick them to the insides of the stock to make it not wobble. I did, and it works, and it takes an hour. The suppressor cap is ugly orange plastic, and is nearly impossible to get off.


This is an excellent gun. There are a few problems but they are minor and easily fixable or ignored. Either downgrade it for CQB use, or leave it alone and use it for field games. If you like the look of this gun, buy it, because you won't have to worry about upgrading it to perform as good as it looks. This is a professional grade gun and is great for any player

by Samuel A. on 08/07/2015
"I'm a big fan of the earlier AM-013 and this model would be perfect in my collection for CQB use. The performance is just as good, and with the longer inner barrel this time, the FPS is slightly higher than the AM-013 which is perfect. I feel a slight improvement in the motor as it doesn't get hot as easily as before (still warm but not hot)

- Best trigger response I have encountered for a long time. The reaction is snappy and instant -perfect for when you have a split second to think and action against your opponents.

- Excellent FPS consistency (+/- 3) - this is especially helpful for a tight groupings.
The stock barrel as standard is a 6.03mm tightbore barrel. Although still made of brass, it is still better than a lot of other stock barrels around which usually comes as 6.05mm.

- The gun comes with a wheel adjustment hop up chamber which is perfect for micro adjusting the precise amount of hop you want for your shots.

- Very small battery compartment where you will be required to purchase a new set of PEQ style batteries. There is however, a battery extension unit from shapeways that is available where you'd be able to continue using your normal LIPOs or NIHM batteries.

- The sights are made of plastic instead of metal and cannot be adjusted, however, most users tend to install a red dot to the gun..which would render the sights obsolete after.

- The stock highcap mag that came the gun doesn't fit snugly to the magwell of the gun. It still shoots fine though, but I just dont like the feeling of it being loose. I currently use Lonex flash mags and they fit like a charm.
by Tim H. on 07/31/2015
"I just got this gun today, WOW, this is worth way more than they charge for it to be honest, I also bought the echo1 7.6 lipo for it, and an extra mid cap, I should have bought more mags, the rate of fire with the lipo is insane, the trigger is like butter, so smooth. Right out of the box it was on point, I didn't even have to adjust the hop up. I would highly recommend this gun to the beginner or the pro.

insane rate of fire
smooth trigger
built in mofset (you have to buy the programmer for it though)

a little heavy
only a 2 position stock
the motor got kinda hot were you could feel it through the grip, that may just be the lipo battery though, or the rate of fire lol

This is the best gun I've ever bought PERIOD
by David G. on 09/25/2015
"I'm very impressed with this AEG. Lightweight, durable and just awesome. Great ROF and range. If you have a stick type battery you may consider a block style. The battery compartment is not that big. This was the reason for the 4 stars.
by Albert R. on 04/30/2016
"The Ares Amoeba line of M4 AEGs is not a lacking gun in any internal matter, coming stock with premium gearbox components and a MOSFET. The performance of the gun is similar to the tried and true beauty of the Krytac Trident Series. A small con to the gun though is the terrible space available for the battery; the space is so small that it is almost unusable. (Battery is stored in the stock) However there is one major flaw that sets this gun down below the over all performance of a Krytac and that is the build quality. The Ares Amoeba is constructed of a high density Nylon Fiber Reinforces polymer, which is all good and all but it can NOT stand up to the test of real battle. The plastic is of high quality but it WILL break, unlike the Krytac Trident's full metal construction. After one little tumble the stock broke clean off the gun and almost damaged the battery and gearbox wires. This is unacceptable for such and expensive gun and I WILL NEVER again purchase an Amoeba gun as the build quality is terrible and cannot handle a single trip-up. A premium AEG like this should be able to handle the damage that a true battle puts onto a gun and the Ares Amoeba simply cannot handle it. So in the end I DO NOT recommend this gun due to its poor build quality that could only last through one outdoor battle, and I am not confident that the receiver can take a hit either.
For the money. PLEASE BUY A KRYTAC YOU WILL BE MUCH MORE HAPPY AND THE PERFORMANCE IS MUCH BETTER AS WELL AS THE BUILD QUALITY! I do not recommend this gun to anyone, please do yourself a blessing and buy the Krytac for the performance is far superior for the almost same price point.


LOW build quality
Battery Compartment
Outer Barrel Wobble
Price to performance

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps your purchase!
~Louis "Trix3r"