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Free Shipping for Orders over $149. EPIC DEALS released daily! R-Custom Fiberglass "Crysis Gunner" Half Face Mask (Color: Silver / Mesh Lens)

ID: 57243 (Mask-RC-Gunner-F-SL)
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Evike Exclusive

$129.95 $58.48

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  • Crafted from high quality fiberglass for maximum durability and to be light weight
  • Individually hand crafted and hand painted
  • Unique aggressive look to enhance field presence
  • Great IFF (Identify Friendly Folks) team mask
  • Ergonomic design with high density foam cushion pads for maximum comfort and contoured design for optimized air flow
  • Spider 5 Point strap
  • Rubber coated to eliminate fiberglass scent
  • Highly breathable mesh lens cannot fog up
The Custom Mask series are genuine products brought to you exclusively by our artists and designers. These amazing designer masks are used by legions of competitive Airsoft players all over the world. Each mask is carefully hand-crafted and painted by master artists. The Evike Custom masks present both the world-class fine details of a collector's piece and high strength durability needed for various extreme sports and Airsoft skirmishes. Inspired by the latest trends, the Evike Custom masks are crafted specifically to provide you the most intimidating presentation on the battlefield.

Counterfeit Notice: These masks are genuine products made by original artists exclusively for Counterfeits and clones are being spotted at various other retailers with low quality construction and finishes. Please be aware of fake products and support the original artists. These masks cannot be mass produced or cloned properly simply because of the level of craftsmanship and the amount of artistic detail involved in the construction of each mask.

Manufacturer: (R-Custom)


Style: Crysis Gunner
Material: Fiberglass
Lens: Mesh
Weigth: 950g

Disclaimer: Mesh face protection is designed to offer mild impact protection and improved comfort for light sporting use such as NERF, Dodgeball, Badminton, Racquetball/Squash...etc. Mesh facial protection does not offer any particulate, splash, or spall protection and should not be used in place of Full Seal Goggles or Safety Glasses. Please be sure to use full seal face / eye protection when participating in activities such as Airsoft / Paintball and safety glasses for activities such as Archery, Airguns, Firearms, and various other shooting activities.
When using this mask for Airsoft gaming, proper ANSI rated safety shooting goggles are required to be worn with the face mask to achieve proper full sealed eye protection. Buyer assumes full responsibility and liability when using this mask for any other purposes.

About Evike Exclusive

At, we believe that superior outdoor recreational products can create a better world. That is why we develop, innovate, and pioneer to bring you the perfect experience, service, and products.

2 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Renee S. on 03/06/2017
"Great looking helmet but kinda big, or I have really small head. Haven't used it for airsoft yet.
by Isaiah P. on 08/01/2020
"Got a similar one in green. Terrible for using your sights the ball shape of the mask prevents good cheek welds fiberglass chipped when shot with an airsoft gun. Bands on the back didn’t hold up either. It is comfy and I suspect for people that never have to get a cheek weld whilst airsofting it might be fine and even comfortable but honestly the truth is I don’t find this to be a reliable and useable mask

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