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Modify XTC 190rnd Mid-Cap AEG Magazine for M4/M16 Airsoft AEG rifles (Color: Tan / Single Magazine)

ID: 58435 (Mag-XTC-190-TN)
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Modify Airsoft


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  • Injection molded polymer construction
  • Textured magazine body ensures proper grip for magazine manipulation
  • Modified baseplate functions as integrated monopod
Color: Tan
Compatibility: M4/M16 series Airsoft AEG rifles
Capacity: 190 rounds
Materials: Injection molded polymer

Manufacturer: Modify

12 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Caleb K. on 12/29/2019
"I recently had issues with mags not feeding after the installation of my polarstar FE so my friend let me borrow some of these Modify mags and they worked great in my Echo1 TRX. I loved them so much I ordered some for myself. They feed great at high rps and are very sturdy. I highly recommend them.
by Matt D. on 03/15/2017
"No problems feeding for me. And 190rds, you cant beat that with a midcap. I tried it with a 416, and ASR-117, both work great.
by Andrew F. on 03/07/2017
"Can be custom sanded for a precise fit into you AEG. Once you've got them tuned, there is no wiggle or rattle, and they still eject easy but won't just fall out of the gun. I don't want mine to do that anyway, so they work perfectly for me due to my expectation of the product. No feeding issues in a Krytac Trident receiver with Krytrac hopup. If you are having feeding issues, it is not the magazine's fault alone. I own 5 of these and I'm buying more. I also own 10 BAMF mags. I like these in my Krytac better, and I use the BAMFs in my other M4s.

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