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Bone Yard - Airsoft Boneyard Mystery Value Box

27 Customer Reviews

by Trenton B. on 02/24/2025
"Absolutely love this product! It is a great deal for anyone who likes to fix guns or just to take them apart and see how they work. I have gotten 4 boxes received a combined MSRP of a little over 2,100! Would highly recommend if you like or know how to fix guns or just to flip them for parts. 10/10 Product!
by Julius M. on 02/05/2025
"Amazing box. Will definitely be buying again.

I got a 14lb box with three guns. An AEG and two GBB pistols

First pistol was an APS XTP Shark (retail $150). Seemed lightly used. Replaced an O-ring and oiled it up and it ran and cycled perfect
Second pistol was an APS XTP Scorpion (retail $190). Also lightly used. Spent $15 to replace the air nozzle. Besides the air nozzle, there was nothing else wrong with it at all, and after replacing the nozzle, it ran and cycled perfect
The rifle was a PTS Legacy CAR-15 N23 (retail $330). Ran great straight out of the box, and besides a loose battery connection, had no problems whatsoever.

Overall spend $180 on the box (on sale), got $670 worth of guns out of it, and spent $15 and a little oil fixing them. I'd call that one hell of a deal. I'll definitely be buying another one in the near future. Easy 5 stars
by Jacob S. on 01/19/2025
"Great deal, got a $100 S&W half blow black that works good, and a $400 sig sauer mcx virtus that just needed a mosfet to work
by david s. on 01/08/2025
"Great value. Seemingly easy fix, going to order another right now!
by Jad M. on 05/23/2024
"I received my first ever airsoft mystery box two days ago, and I couldn’t be happier. I recieved two aeg’s.

*Skip this if you don’t care about the background*
*I have no experience taking apart airsoft guns but don’t let that intimidate you if that’s what’s stopping you from a boneyard box. Literally everything is on YouTube, I now know how to take apart a gearbox just from trial and error and some 4 year old YouTube videos.*

The first gun is a g&g g26 electric blowback rifle. The gun has zero mechanical issues, the only thing wrong with it is that the last owner ripped out the built in laser on the gun which is a common issue on this gun because the wire for it is attached to the battery box. I will not be replacing the laser because it doesn’t affect the gun at all.

Although the first gun is worth more, the second gun is what made this box for me. I recieved a Noveske 10B gen 4. It came with no motor and the motor grip was broken and taken off. I instantly ordered a motor and a new grip and after taking the gun apart to make sure everything was good I put it all back together and the gun works perfectly.

10/10 will be ordering another box soon, hopefully next time I get a gbbr but overall I am extremely happy with my box.
by Russell M. on 04/29/2024
"This is the second box I have bought, this was a win, I received a scorpion evo HPA worth $550, it came disassembled and only missing a hopup arm and nub, works fine besides that, an aep scorpion pistol that I assume has a fried motor, which are hard to find for that gun, and a cyma beretta aep that just needed the magazine screws tightened and it worked fine.
by Russell M. on 04/14/2024
"It was a 19-pound box, came with an APS ASR-117 with a stripped piston and no motor or grip screws, easy fix I just wish they would have included a motor of some sort. Next was a Taran tactical 2011 Hi Capa with a chunk chipped out of the slide where the slide catch catches, cannot really be fixed but worked fine besides that. And finally there was an evike custom silver 1911 which seemed brand new, but the mag was leaky and the feed lips were broken off. I could not find a seal rebuild kit for it because it is a WE magazine, and new ones are over $30. I have just decided to buy new feed lips.

Overall I will make my money back, this particular box wasn't amazing or horrible but middle of the road I would say.
by Kellan Z. on 04/12/2024
"Ordered one of these boxes and was happy enough that I bought a second one.

Box #1
Gun 1: Double Eagle UTR45 (~$250) with a burned out motor and a partially broken safety selector. New motor ($45) and its a fantastic gun totally good to go because the safety still works.
Gun 2: WE-Tech Galaxy with Hi-Capa lower (~$165) with a broken safety and missing slide release. ($19 fix).
Overall I got a $415 value for a total of roughly $240 spent. Well worth it imo.

Will update when second box arrives.
by Nathan B. on 02/24/2024
"I spent $175 on sale. I received an cyma cm.069 wich normally goes for about 220, an br47 cobra keymod that goes for 330, and 2 aps shark pistols that go for about 150 each. A grand total of around 909 usd new for only $175. That's one hell of a deal and I'd recommend it if your looking to increase your arsenal and aren't afraid of projects ^^
by Jake B. on 02/20/2024
"Very happy couldn’t believe what I got.
I got a pink EMG F1 AR that retails new for $319. The battery wire in the buffer tube was smashed and needed stripped down and tapped back up. Works fine now. Easy fix

Next I’ve always wanted one of these so I made out. FN hersal m249 saw MK46 model featherweight. They retail new I think around $260? The bolts for the stock was missing. Gun works and shoots right out of the box. It just needs bolts for the stock.

All though I got a “pink” gun I don’t care. It’s cool and if any girls come with the boyz and I that’ll be their gun to use if they like it. This box is worth it very happy I bought it. I’m literally going to buy another as soon as I submit this review.
by Denis A. B. on 12/15/2023
"Updated Review:
I bought 4 of these boxes, and here is what I got:
BOX #1:
11lb package with two boxes:
-EMG PDW M2 AEG CQB ($300 value)
-Elite Force Glock 17 Gen 4 ($170 value)
Together the value is about 470 which I think is a win!
The Glock 17 had a chipped piece on the mag (piece that holds the bbs at the top, new components for those are around 30 bucks, or just a rand new mag for 50). Also, the entire hammer assembly was missing, which Evike sells for 50. Overall, about an 80 dollar fix.
The EMG PDW looked completely normal to me...until I put the battery in and it immediately started firing without pressing the trigger. When I took the gearbox apart, I figured out that the mosfet/trigger unit was fried. I Installed a new mosfet for $30 and got this thing working again.

BOX #2: (this one was a good one!)
10.5lb package. I got:
-WE Tech Desert Eagle L6 CO2 ($205 value)
-WE Tech Galaxy with Glock lower ($140 value)
-Archon B ($180)
Net value is $525! The desert eagle just needed a new nozzle (there was even a note inside telling me what was wrong with it; costed me $21 to fix). The Galaxy literally had nothing wrong with it, just looked very dusty and the box was beat up. The Archon B just had a leaky mag (used gasket maker for $10 to seal it, works beautifully!). Overall an amazing box.

BOX #3:
Was a 12lb package. I got:
-6mm Proshop Daniel Defense GHK/Golden Eagle MK18 GBBR ($325)
-SRC 1911 CO2 ($119)
Net value is $444, not bad! The MK18 was completely missing the bolt assembly (had to buy a WA $70 assembly) and the output value on the mag was leaky (had to buy a replacement GHK valve for $20); overall was a bit of a pricy one to fix. The SRC 1911 was one of the best CO2 pistols I've ever shot! I added the 1911 to my collection. The only thing wrong was the follower on the mag was slightly chipped, and so the mag wouldn't lock back %100 of the time. To me that is so minor, I don't really care!

BOX #4:
Was a 21lb box. This one was the best!!!
-EMG UDP-9 AEG 10.5inch in tan color ($240)
-A&K Specialized DMR Airsoft AEG Sniper Rifle w/ M-LOK Handguard ($280)
I will just say right away, the A&K was completely functional and smooth! Literally spent zero dollars fixing it! It just had a jammed charging handle (had to take off upper receiver and put it back, everything was back to normal)...what a win! The EMG UDP9 just had a stripped piston, installed one for $5 - $10, super easy fix, not hard at all!

In conclusion: there were some wins and there were some losses. Overall, I would say you're getting a pretty good deal on average, and as you can see, 2 out of 4 of the boxes I ordered were fantastic, while the other 2 out of 4 were ok / pricy to never know, if you're into teching, go ahead and take the risk, I say it's worth it! Gonna buy more in the future!
by Denis A. B. on 11/04/2023
"Bought myself one, and here is what I got:
11lb package with two boxes. One had an Elite force Glock 17 Gen 4, the other had an EMG PDW M2 AEG full metal version. Together the value is about 470 which I think is a win!

The Glock 17 had a chipped piece on the mag (piece that holds the bbs at the top, new components for those are around 30 bucks, or just a rand new mag for 50). Also, the entire hammer assembly was missing, which Evike sells for 50. Overall, about an 80 dollar fix.

The EMG PDW looked completely normal to me...until I put the battery in and it immediately started firing without pressing the trigger. When I took the gearbox apart, I figured out that the mosfet/trigger unit was fried. The sad part is, matrix/S&T does not sell individual trigger units, amd the gearbox has a slightly different interior design and wont fit a startard I had to buy a whole new CYMA v2 gearbox for this gun to get this gun to work, which was around 55 dollars. The good part though, is that both guns appear to be very lightly used with almost no scratches and intact good components!

In conclusion, 470 value minus 135 in repairs = about 335 dollars of actual value, not bad for 200 bucks! I think they threw in a little extra value to my box because of the degree of how broken my guns were. I enjoy teching and will buy another box and will update what I get in this review. If you wanna get your hands dirty and do a fun project, this is an excellent purchase!
by Kayla M. on 08/01/2023
"Got two broken guns - both easily repairable even without a ton of knowledge, although one I wouldn't have figured out without a random reddit comment.

Matrix Warlord AEG -

Needs all electronic components. I have no idea how it ended up returned like this but everything else seems in good shape. Waiting for the Gate Aster to be delivered and it should be a perfect loaner.

EMG Helios EV02 -

Super simple fix. Had to remove the loaded chamber indicator pin as described below and now the gun works flawlessly.

TLDR $200+$80 in repair parts got me $400 worth of solid guns
by Dylan I. on 03/03/2023
"I want to buy another one because I got 1 sniper and one pistol
Sniper: A&K SVD worth $140
- Nothing wrong with it.

Pistol: Strike Industries 9x19mm Glock 17 Gen 4 with a muzzle break worth $290.
- Slide would catch but that's a small fix

Sold the SVD for $150 & the G17 for $250
Will be buying another when it gets restocked.
by richard f. on 12/28/2022
"first impression-

"ah darn no aegs, just a CO2 rifle, and two GBB pistols, this kinda sucks"


i researched what i recieved. i got-

1 umarex Tactical Force TF CQB CO2 rifle (cant open the internals on this one so if i cant fix it ill just toss it) worth- $130 new

then we get to the cool unique part-
1 locked up Cybergun Full Auto Desert Eagle co2- worth $170

the best part- a limited edition "Ace Competitor" AW Custom GBB pistol, came completely busted in pieces with no magazine, but still had all components. once its fixed up its going to be my favorite piece.
worth $180

IN CONCLUSION- this box can be awesome, its a hit or miss but i feel like evike will try to give you the best possible outcome they can while still being fair. once i repair these im going to buy another one of these. im super satisfied.