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Free Shipping for Orders over $149. EPIC DEALS released daily! "Nostradamus" Custom 1911 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol w/ Angel Custom Tac-Glove Grips (Model: Stainless A1 / Cancer)

4 Customer Reviews

by bleh b. on 12/01/2016
"good gun. accurate, effecient. onlt con is the mag it came with busted a leak in under 50 shots
by David S. on 10/11/2016
"Beautiful guns packed with power. Got it as a present from my wife and this has got to be the best present I have ever received!
by Evan G. on 08/26/2016
"Pros: Everything except for the paint

Cons: None except for the paint being somewhat easy to wear but for me its not a con as i like a battle worn look
by Anthony L. on 08/30/2020
"Pretty nice, defiantly not worth the full price but if you can get one on sale it’s worth it. The chrome finish isn’t perfect, but it’s OK enough. The grips though...jeez... they are like sandpaper, waaaay too course and thick. It’s a shame because that’s what your paying all that extra money for. The gun itself performs really nice. I was surprised by its consistent accuracy which was really good. Overall a solid performer, but at the end of the day this is more of a display piece than a sidearm.