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ASG TAC QD Mock Suppressor w/ 14mm Negative Adapter

26 Customer Reviews

by Joshua G. on 02/27/2025
"Works as advertised. Can all gun barrels of specific type. That said, it’s a bit of a chunky boi, and can’t always screw in all the way, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t sturdy/steady when mounted. I recommend it.
by Jacob H. on 05/19/2024
"Great product for the price! Not metal but it does the job with flying color for only $20!
by Steven V. on 05/05/2024
"FYI this suppressor will fit perfectly on an SR 25 platform with gasblock QD Suppressor option your welcome lol
by Timmothy E. on 01/18/2023
"Love the design. Very lightweight, but not flimsy and doesn't add extra weight. 2 piece quick detach system and 14mm CCW makes it incredibly versatile for just a mock unit.
by Kevin V. on 08/20/2021
"This is a monolithic suppressor, which is ironic because it actually amps sound. Plastic outer shell but feels solid. The flash hider it comes with is solid metal though and quick attach and detach works real solid.
by Kimberly P. on 01/01/2021
"It looks great on just about any rifle and actually amplifies the sound. Great suppresor.
by Russell B. on 09/18/2020
"I love it. The QD function works great, looks great on my M4, a little heavy on my 1911 but still cool.
by Jackie C. on 05/27/2020
"Very large. Not going to work on a Pistol in other words. Looks great on my Trident PDW MarkII, and all my other M4s, and Bolt Actions. Actually acts as a noise increase which is awesome. Makes my gun sound literally like a 410 shotgun.
by Anthony Q. on 02/08/2020
"Extremely durable and easily removable in combat
by Kyle D. on 12/14/2019
"This Aluminum/Polymer Mock Suppressor and all aluminum QD Muzzle device feels sturdy and is quite hefty.
One Way Two Piece Separable Outer tube and inner core.
No Orange tip.

8 in. x 1.8 in. Thicc boi
by Juan Carlos C. on 08/09/2019
"Great product. Plastic but functional. Works perfectly!!!
by Matthew C. on 06/05/2019
"Bought this mock suppressor almost 3 years ago and it's great! Sits almost flush to the threads when attached, comes off quick and easy, but when secured it's really secured. I cant reccomend it enough
by Moon K. on 02/27/2019
"It's a nice sturdy polymer suppressor. Holds up well to damage and rough play. The quick detachment is a really nifty little feature and locks in very nicely.
by Dean H. on 12/19/2018
"Bought 2 of these, have fitted one to my M14 EBR GBB and I think it looks like the ducks nuts. I have a hi cap HPA Mag fitted to it and it sounds nice too when you're letting the shots off

The other is my SIG long, it almost makes it look like a sniper with my scope mounted to it as well lol
by JOSE ARTURO L. on 07/29/2018
"ou dont need more than this its really great