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Matrix Gear RD600 Low Profile Compact Red Dot

15 Customer Reviews

by Kellon J. on 10/22/2020
"Little smaller than I would have liked it to be. Red dot is not as consistent on the eyes either. However it is very low profile and is perfect if you are running a pistol or smaller smg or even just trying to avoid buying a sight protector. for the price it is okay in my book.
by Shane B. on 02/06/2020
"Quite happy with my purchase. I wanted something low profile to sit on top of my GHK AKS74UN, and thought this would fit nicely mounted on a B-18.

When I opened the box I wasn't quite sure how I felt, as the sight was so small. Would it simply fall apart, or fly off with the recoil of the GBBR? Would it shake apart and never hold zero?

Fortunately the answer was a resounding NO! Once mounted I was very happy to find it was very sturdy. I realized that you need to unscrew very slightly the two small screws on the back of the sight to allow for windage and elevation adjustment, then screw both in a bit at a time until snug to stop the red dot from wandering or loosing zero.

Also found that a sheet of 2mm polycarbonate (NOT ACRYLIC) can be cut, sanded and the presses into place on the front of the bezel for a super low profile lens protector.

Over all, very happy!
by Lincoln G. on 05/31/2017
"Great little red dot for like a pistol, because it's very small.
by Sam Y. on 02/04/2017
"Great product.

I have mine attached on my hicapa with a 5ku easy mount.
It is bright and does not get washed out by a bright flashlight.

everything you would expect from an rmr-like sight

Worth the price.
by Randal C. on 10/28/2015
"This Matrix RD is one of the best RDs I have ever used. I put it on my H&K Umarex GBB MP7, adjusted the windage and elevation just a little bit and it was golden. I was hitting dead on at 100+ feet with minimal tweaks to the sight. I later took it off of my Mp7 and onto my pump action 870 and was still hitting targets dead on at 75+ feet without touching windage and elevation. The only slightly drawback is that I wish it had an on off switch. I like the auto-dimming feature, however I wish there was both. I have used it on a very bright day, and on a moonless night under trees, it performed beautifully without making me think the brightness was too much or too little. I currently have there in my cart, one to put on top of my M4's 4x sight, one permanently for the 870, and one for a future gun. Best micro RD out there!
by Madison M. on 08/20/2022
"Got one of these for the SLP shotgun. Nothing wrong with it. Cheaply made but you get what you paid for. It's low precision so a shotgun mount makes the most sense. Zeroing was easy despite the build quality and after about 200 trigger pulls haven't noticed any zero walk so far.
by Chris C. on 09/21/2021
"A really good cqb/pistol sight that is made out of metal and comes with a battery/dust cover.
by Gavin M. on 10/01/2020
"Great optic. It's pretty small, I'd recommend it for pistols and small SMG's. It's a little hard to adjust but other than that it's a great optic.

Fits on all accessory rails
Great for small guns

Really small
Hard to adjust
by Seth F. on 09/15/2020
"Decent product for the price you pay.

It does what it is supposed to do on an *airsoft gun* in a BB war, but let me point out two literally glaring issues:

1) The laser is actually TOO bright, and having no way to dial it up or down, you will have permanent astigmatism effect on all but the brightest sunny days.

2) If you view the laser off-center AT ALL you will be met with the laser refracting oddly through the glass, and causing 1/3 of it to be obscured by glare from the laser.

General feelings and observations:
Considering this is a 25$ "cosplay" of a real optic, it sure does do the job of giving you a bright indicator to quickly get your rifle aimed central to the general direction of your target to facilitate an "accurate" vomit of pain pellets into.
In this, it does it's job, and it does it's job well.
-I honestly wouldn't even mind a BB slipping past the optic shield I bothered to buy for it, and blasting the glass out because the small profile hood of the optic itself is actually a PERFECT airsoft optic! Lining up iron sights is a waste of time past 20 feet, and past 50 it is a guarantee that you are going to have some sort of curve happen. Being able to just get them in the hoop is good enough to spray and BET on a hit.

TLDR: 8/10 for the cost - I am confident there is a cheap fix to make sure future models don't have the refracting glare issue when viewing the optic too far off center. I mean... What is this? The Last Starfighter? ;)
by Aiden M. on 11/08/2021
"Good for AEGs and AEPs.

I bought this optic about a month ago to attach to my AEP, and it worked perfectly. It was a little hard to adjust the reticle, but not so hard that it would deter a person from using it. It came with a small flathead precision screwdriver to adjust the sight, which was very nice.

Yesterday, I mounted it onto my GBB pistol, and on the first shot the lens popped out from the recoil. When i went to reattach it I realized that the internals were completely destroyed as well, and the damage was irreparable.

I think that it’s a good entry level optic for AEGs and A Ps, but not gbb pistols.
by Matthew F. on 03/01/2021
"Very bright almost too much so, small so not good for a rifle or even an smg only good for a pistol really, I bought it for my king arms pdw mp5 style an the built in flip up sights work better tbh
by Chris O. on 10/12/2020
"I used it for awhile, and was quite pleased with both the look and feel. Easy to adjust, held it well, good brightness, etc.

However, at some point the vertical adjustment completely stopped working. I opened up the device to find that the mechanism for adjusting the dot height was pretty cheap - basically a screw with a wide, wafer-thin head, that puts pressure on the laser, depressing it against a spring pushing it back. That 'wafer' had snapped, and looking at how thin it was, I was not surprised.

I probably over-tightened it at some point, but they could've used a better design, or at least a better screw. I still think this is a good buy for $25 as it was great while it works, but be careful adjusting it, and maybe pop it open when you first get it to get a feel for how it works.
by Morgan E. on 06/08/2019
"Good red dot for the price. I will say that I failed to do enough research on the item and found out the hard way it is not compatible with the glock rmr mount. I figured the sight would come apart from the rail adapter, which it does, however I failed to realize that the screw holes didn’t line up. Not a huge waste of money tho and I will find another use for it. Don’t cut corners
by Red R. on 12/23/2014
"I purchased this micro sight and here are a few thoughts if you are considering this.

Auto-ON/OFF - cool feature, though this means you have to pocket the "cap" when you're ready to use this (I have not seen how long the battery lasts without the cap). A loose part prone to loss, but CR2032's are easy to come by, right?

Auto-Brightness - Per the information sheet, "when the target surroundings are dark, the red dot will be dimmer. When the target surroundings are bright, the red dot will be brighter." Personally, I'd like an "always- to moderately bright" setting. A dim red dot is difficult to see as it is.

Did I mention it takes about 6 to 10 seconds for the dot to appear? I think this is the sensor trying to get it's setting straight. I thought the battery it had was busted so I replaced it with the spare (yes, it comes with a spare battery, small flat head screwdriver, allen key, and a dial which I think tell you how to correct for windage/ elevation).

Aesthetically, it looks cool, a good replica of the real deal version for the price. There is a separate mounting plate available here on Evike if you're like to have this fixed-mount. Mind the barrel-sight difference though.

Over-all, I give this a three-star rating for the auto-bright and auto-on/off, a little off my expectations. I don't think it's a defect but surely not for my needs.
by Tuong T. on 10/11/2017
"I wouldn't recommend this red dot.

You need to pull the sight real close to your eyes. If you completely extend your arms while aiming your pistol the red dot turns into a big blur on the glass.