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Valken Battle Machine M4 Mod-M CQB V2 Airsoft AEG Rifle (Color: Desert)

12 Customer Reviews

by Darren F. on 10/28/2024
"Updated review: My bad. Wrong battle machine. I was writing a review for the discontinued one.
by Darren F. on 10/27/2024
"After a decade of airsoft. From an indoor young noob, to every event possible. Loads of research over the years and trying out many different gun configurations. This gun is it…

(Story) This was my first aeg/airsoft gun back in 2015. I used this rifle to speedsoft and play outdoors/milsim. After a few years, I plopped a p* in it and haven’t used anything since. I recently found one in a storage unit all rusty and beat up. Grabbed an 11.1 lipo battery and tested it today. HOLY CRAP was I impressed…

The trigger response, reliability, and range was absolutely mind blowing. All these years, after spending too much money on all these gucci parts for my p*, I realized that all of that junk is pointless.

I was consistently hit shot after shot on a 8in circle steel target 50 yards away in windy conditions using the irons. I was hitting small twigs off a far tree every time. Dead accurate… Beam.

Don’t believe that this is just a starter gun. Sure, it is, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s a gun you can run for YEARS, hard, and have it perform well. It is EASILY a gun you could bring to MSW or any serious event…

I bought a $260 m4 with a mosfet and various upgrades, and it was terrible. It broke one me the first time I used it.. Nowhere near as good as this… This gun is expendable. It’s cheap. You can run it hard and get another one and swap parts around. I’m literally going to use this old rusty one as my main now because it performs well and hpa is inconvenient.

Don't follow the dye hate either. If you want to have a GREAT time on a budget, get this gun and a dye i4… ZERO fog and it’s full face/ear pro. The gun is accurate, durable, reliable, and has a good rof with a lipo… Get it.

Ya I yapped. Today’s test with this rifle was very pleasing and surprising… I have a long history w this model. Screw getting an emg or something high end… U don't need it..
by Evan B. on 07/06/2024
"Very good gun!
Accurate weight, Good size magazines, Good iron sight…etc
One thing I disliked (Small con) is the stock where you put the battery into is very hard to open. It will eventually wear in and be easy but this is an absolute killer AEG.
Very pleased.
by Matthew K. on 05/27/2021
"I have had this gun for about 2 years now. I have had no problems with it. It gets the job done. It has never jammed. Its very accurate and probably the best beginner gun out of there by far. It's polymer body makes it lightweight and easy to hold for a young player. The only downside about the gun is the selector switch. The selector switch can easily be changed to full auto without knowing. But other than that its a good gun. I have never cleaned it in those 2 years and its still works flawlessly. I give it 10/10.
by Jaron B. on 02/24/2022
"I got this gun 3 years ago, and it's working great but the hopup is slowly digreating, over time.



durable polymer

feeds great



iron sights
by virginia m. on 07/24/2021
"i got the grey version and man this is a great starter gun


very good hopup unit

good gearbox

strong build


the iron sights are bad

some parts are pretty weak

after shooting consitanly for 5 min the motor starts to get really hot
by ian w. on 04/27/2021
"overall I am very happy with it, it's unfortunate it doesn't come with a battery but it's all good. The only big downside is the mag. The magazine looks cool but it's cheaply made and falls out easily, just buy a different one. otherwise, the gun is very accurate, the quality is beautiful and I would definitely recommend it to new players.
by Logan R. on 04/07/2017
"This gun is amazing!!! Came in really quick. Amazing condition. Magazine takes getting use to, and to get in. But otherwise amazing fun!!! Hop up works good, accuracy 97%. Flip up sights on point. Nice quick trigger. Fits about any battery. Has weight to the gun but can get used to it. I rate it 4 1/2 out of 5.
by Reid M. on 12/23/2016
"Awesome gun right here, good for anyone getting into airsoft or anyone who just wants a cheap spare.

Amazing fps out of the box
Very accurare
Durable polymer construction
Easy accessability & easy to work on

Cheap sights, but still do the job

Thats it..hands down great gun overall!
by Steve R. on 12/12/2016
"Like Edward said, this is a really nice mid-entry gun. The stock hop-up bucking was absolutely terrible, but it was a very simple and inexpensive upgrade. The gun came with perfect shimming and motor height, making each cycle nice and snappy. There were a few flaws, however. In the middle of a game, the gun simply stopped firing, and there were connection issues with the motor, and so I replaced the motor grip, fixing that issue. removing the rear body pin was very difficult, I used a machine to file the screw head completely off and replaced the pin from one of my non-working M4's. Then when I went to put a barrel extension on, the threads were not 14mm like advertised, but instead 12mm. But, besides the few flaws mentioned, it is a really nice, cheap rifle that you can rely on.
by Edward L. on 11/19/2016
"I really like this rifle so far. I got it practically new with less than 500 rounds fired through it and it performed quite well. However, the stock bucking wasn't giving me the range I needed so I upgraded it and now it shoots about 50% further so I'm quite pleased. In addition, accessing the inner barrel and hop up for upgrades was simple as unscrewing a single screw and pushing out a pin. Easy as can be. I was also getting really nice 3 inch groupings in 5-6 round bursts from about 40 feet and after upgrades I was nailing a 3 square inch target from 100 feet away quite consistently. All in all, after a few upgrades that this rifle performs quite well. The only quirk was that sometimes the semi auto needs a full trigger pull to completely cycle for the next round. Also, sometimes the rifle would stop shooting despite having battery so I would have to open up the buttplate (which is rather easy) and detach and reconnect the battery. However, all in all, still a solid entry-mid level gun.
by Mauricio M. on 07/02/2017
"works great, but has some needlessly cheap parts, like the end plate made of plastic, it just cant hold the weight so u definitely have to uprade that asap. simply blows my mind how cheap they went about that part.
only one other point of attachment at the front so u may also need a rail mount