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Smith and Wesson M&P Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BBs (Weight: .25g / 4000 Rounds / White)

5 Customer Reviews

by Joseph N. on 05/30/2018
"I have started buying these when they went in sale and after my first purchase of 12k round I was super impressed. They are all super clean, shinny, and no flaws, no "dust" or shattering. Never had a jam and super consistent accuracy with my stock AEG. I came back and bought another 32k before they sold out at the sale price because these are an amazing deal when you can get them.
by Kari K. on 05/05/2018
"These are amazing bbs. not have had a jam with these yet and they are on sale for a long time
by Damian B. on 11/13/2017
"Being able to buy 8000 rds of .25g BBs for $12 is unheard of. Great deal.
by Reed H. on 10/20/2017
"These bbs seemed to good to be true! I'm mean They are on sale but at $6 for 4000 you can't go wrong with these. Very high quality, no blemishes. Overall a great buy
by Brandon S. on 06/03/2017
"4000 .25g rounds for $6? YES PLEASE - great buy