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Condor Vanquish Plate Carrier (Color: Coyote Brown)

7 Customer Reviews

by Petr B. on 07/05/2023
"This is a great plate carrier. Its sturdy and made out of really tough materials. I've thrown mine through many battles and have hit the floor, the earth, and quite a few trees. It has held up without any tears or breaks. Condor gear is phenomenal.

Be warned it can be a tad loose if your smaller than me, 5ft 11in and 135 lbs. I have it fully tightened and it bounces a tiny bit. That's not the issue of the vest obviously but take note.
by Aidan P. on 07/29/2022
"So far this plate carrier has been the best. Color looks great, it adjusted to me to fit perfectly (5’11” 190lbs) and it’s modular ability has been perfect for switching load outs throughout the day. Stitching has also held up perfectly and the Velcro is even difficult to take apart which is a good thing since pouches don’t fall off. And finally the breathable materiel has been a lifesaver during summer games for me and for the price you can’t go wrong with this, the Cumberband and a triple kangaroo pouch
by Luke B. on 07/31/2020
"This is the plate carrier to get. Lightweight, Condor so it’s awesome quality, and you can choose your load out style because of the vanquish system. You can also add cummerbunds if you want. Amazing for cqb/speedsoft style gameplay or anyone who wants a lightweight plate carrier that can carry what ever they need.
by Aydin B. on 01/13/2020
"Fits an assortment of body types and is pretty modular. You can buy cummerbunds and a large selection of different front panels that you can swap on the go for different loadouts and gamemodes. Overall a pretty good plate carrier.
by Jeff C. on 11/22/2017
"It fits really well and i love being able to switch the front pannels out. Ive had it for about a year now and its still holding up really well.
by Sarah G. on 02/05/2023
"Good quality plate carrier but not for a small guy I’m 5’10 and 130lbs and this plate carrier was too big the size of the pc is 14in by 11in and cummerbund fully adjusted to the smallest setting was still too loose. But for a bigger guy would definitely recommend really nice for the money
by liam b. on 08/18/2017
"Okay for the money, the front clips are made really cheap and are prone to breaking, my left one cracked once it got shot. I really hope they sell extras