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King Arms MP40 110 Round Mid-Cap Magazine (Package: Single Magazine)

8 Customer Reviews

by Kevin S. on 12/06/2019
"Mags work as expected no problem 10/10
Its good to not for better feeding use put a few drops of thick like oil or lube gel fo easier pellet feeding

No cons at all

I use the AGM mp40 from the one with black Bakelite parts it fits these mags fit perfectly in my gun
by Gary P. on 07/09/2018
"Ok I talked with a salesperson about the fit problem with this magazine in the AGM MP40 M007 - the hole size is only 9.75 mm versus 10mm for the normal metal one 9 55 rounds 0 I took a dremel and widened it a little so now it will fit over the bb feed ring when fully inserted - thats what the two previous reviews said it was hard to insert to seat properly - it still needs pushed hard but all they were doing was wearing it down - shoots great.
by Blain W. on 11/13/2019
"Good mags, work fine in my AGM MP 40.....a little touch with some super fine sand paper took care of any sticky or tight spots.

S&T Model 12 Owners -----These mags DO NOT have the correct notch to allow the Model 12 mag latch to secure them into the magazine well. I took the time to cut and melt notches int the mags and they still only latch into place about 80% of the time.

So, Model 12 Owners, fork over the dough and buy the 55 round metal mags that actually will work in that gun..BTW very cool gun IMHO.
by Max M. on 08/22/2017
"I definitely recommend this magazine for the AGM mp40 over agm's own magazines because these ones are cheaper and hold more bbs. Also the agm mp40/ sten mags tend to fall out of my gun and break, the king arms magazines are less likely to break and/or fall out of your gun. The king arms magazine really stick in your gun, when they are brand new you'll really need to push it into the gun, don't be afraid to use force. After a while the magazines will start going in and coming out of your gun easier.
by Russell R. on 07/30/2017
"These are a great magazine to keep you in the fight just a little longer with the MP40. I have the AGM kind ( 1 of the 2 options )
4/5 rating

Feeds really well down to the last 2 BB's
110rds is better than 55rds for longer games
Durable Polymer Plastic ( Still dont bang it against stuff hard or be reckless)
Looks great with the gun

Kinda have to shove the magazine in the mag wield, it wont break the magazine or mag wield, but it does need to be a little forced in the mag wield til you hear the click. However, once its clicked in it wont move anywhere and it feeds really well and when you release the magazine it comes out super easy.
by Gary P. on 08/20/2019
"Ok got 2 more of these 110 rd mags both now fit so did not need to modify . one holds 135 rds the other only 45 ?
by Gary P. on 08/20/2019
"Ok actually tried shooting with the two new unmodified mags - no good - evidently the detente wont engage to feed the bbs as is versus the modified one. Loading also is variable as they seem to jam with any speedloader I have tried. Dont want to ream out the hole area again - will return.
by Ray I. on 06/24/2019
"Stick to the metal mags, these will not load consistently. I would get maybe 2 or 3 shots before it would double feed and jam up. I'd have to drop the mag to clear it then it would do it again after a few shots. Sure it holds a lot of bbs but if won't actually cycle what's the point?