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CYMA Sport Full Metal MK12 SPR MOD.0 Airsoft AEG (Package: Gun Only)

13 Customer Reviews

by Jonathan O. on 10/14/2021
"Amazing, shoots accurately and hits hard.
by Jason R. on 03/08/2021
"Let’s me say this, this gun is flat nasty. It’s cheaper but it’s godly. If you buy this get an 11.1 lipo. It’s works perfect with the gun. You can snipe people across a field with this gun. I normally shoot .25’s out of this gun and it averages around 330-360 FPS and around 1.5 joules. So it sails when you shoot and it hits hard. I have used this at large fields that around acres large and it has never let me down. 10/10 would buy it.
by Kellar E. on 12/12/2020
"Just got this thing and it is great. High quality and full metal. The mag it came with didn't fit in it so I used some old M4 mags and they fit perfectly it was just a problem with the mag for me. Lots of battery space and it shoots extremely well even with all the other $800 plus snipers out there. I would recommend this gun to anyone.
by John B. on 05/22/2018
"I like the gun. It's pretty good. Just a tip though, make sure your battery fits in the stock. There's ~140mm to fit a battery. Also only one of the side covers came off for me. Maybe that's intentional I don't know.
by Ben P. on 12/09/2017
"I bought this gun a few weeks ago and it is a great starter gun for anyone that wants to enjoy Airsoft fully. Nice high quality and is very easy to work on if you are looking to build an ultimate AEG sniper
by William H. on 03/17/2021
"I bought this dmr when it was on sale on the epic deals page and got a great price for it’s worth. The gun itself is almost completely metal other than the stock and pistol grip. It’s very sturdy and has a very real steel feel to it. The flip up sights and mag release work great with a satisfying snap. The stock, however, does not provide much space for a battery, just enough to fit a 9.6v butterfly. The magazine it comes with it terrible so throw it away (not a big deal to me). The handrail is slightly off centered as it does not connect to the distal end of the barrel and I’m not able to center it (idk if this is just me tho). The flash suppressor looks very nice, the orange tip is simply glued on with a fixed pin no thread (the pin is extremely hard to remove so cut a line through the tip horizontally if you wish to remove it then deal with the pin). Finally the area where you clip the mag into has a little wiggle room on either side so I would recommend a thicker mag with a deeper catch. Also there is not much information on this gun online so if you have questions, don’t expect an answer. I constructed a dmr build with this gun and works amazingly very reliable.
by sid s. on 06/15/2020
"since the gun is entirely made of metal the weight is actuate to a real gun with a full magazine, when pulling back the gear cover it stays in place until you push the release lever on the other side. jus be careful taking it apart because it gets confusing but dont be to warry of the warning that says dont take it apart because it was only for that reason. although the stock is in a fixed position it come with two rubber pads to adjust it slightly with a 2 inch difference. very good gun and good fps out of the box and the stock it self is actually very roomy for a battery. i was able to squeeze two butterfly batteries jus to see how big it is. last thing is that it only has on place to put a sling on which is on the beginning of the stock which doesn’t work well for hook slings but other than those the gun is very good. i originally got it for a dmr build and so far hasn’t let me down
by Josh R. on 02/04/2018
"Out the box this gun shoots good, it is very durable only thing i do not like about it is the Fixed stock
by Jack H. on 02/25/2025
"Great Gun. But dude, it used to be $179.00. Evike trippin with these prices.
by Jacob D. on 04/12/2022
"Its a good gun but mine came like half put together a lot of screws were loose and during a game my whole mag release button fell out leaving me with a useless gun till I can get it fixed and the bolt catch button came loose and wont go back in , I would recommend shuffling out a little bit more for the platinum version
by Brian M. on 10/02/2020
"the gun won’t hold any mag in place every time I use it the mag falls out like I barely jiggle the gun and the mag falls right out
by Jonathan b. on 05/02/2021
"Probably the worst purchase ive made so far...bought it and the first day i used it the gearbox cracked and the gears were shredded. Only good thing about it is the body is very sturdy.
by Marcos S. on 08/09/2018
"Great gun BUT one MAJOR flaw, i tried to hang the gun up from the stock for a paint job and the stock came OFF, the obly thing holding it in place was a tiny screw (extremely small in width and length). the screw sheared and i cant get the stock back on