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SHS High Strength Polycarbonate Piston w/ Steel Teeth for Airsoft AEG Gearboxes (Type: Half Rack / 14 Teeth)

29 Customer Reviews

by Noah B. on 07/28/2023
"I bought the 14 tooth lightened piston. It was to replace the old g&g piston that I had. The old piston was only polymer and had started wearing where the gears were engaging. This piston is actually lighter and more durable than the old piston. Would be an amazing piston even if it was $20. Even better piston for $12. If you are looking for a durable but lightweight piston, look no further.
by John B. on 06/18/2023
"I love SHS pistons: they meet all the important criteria of a piston at a great price. My go-to for all my builds. One thing to note is that the 'High Speed Lightened w/ 14 teeth' (one with square holes as opposed to round holes) is about 1.5mm narrower than the one with round holes. That can be a problem depending on your gearbox shell. I put them in a Lonex gearbox and the piston was popping right off the guide rails. Could be the gearbox shell itself, so check your gearbox to make sure it's not one with a wider space for the piston before buying that model of SHS piston.
by Daniel B. on 03/01/2022
"Best piston for the money, it's always my go to for my builds and it's basically the standard go to option. You really can't go wrong with this thing. I've used these in ssg and dsg builds alike and I've never been disappointed.
by Samuel V. on 11/10/2021
"Solid piston, great performance. It's super durable and has stood up to a lot of wear.
by Noah H. on 08/16/2021
"Pretty much the gold standard of pistons. First off, the construction is solid. It doesn’t bend or flex and the surface is very smooth. The 14 tooth version is considerably lighter, which can come in handy with higher-speed builds. The teeth are also very nice. They, too, are very strong. I opened up my gun after a few thousand rounds just to make sure nothing had gone wrong, and when I looked at the teeth, the only wear I could see was on the pickup and release tooth. Everything else looked practically brand new. Obviously you can’t ignore the price. It’s and absolute steal for a product this good. I highly recommend.
by Rick S. on 10/29/2020
"I've haven't had any issues with this piston in any of my SSG builds. Great product, Great Value
by Whit M. on 08/31/2020
"I got the high speed 15 tooth. Fit my piston head without issues, seems extremely durable and lightweight. Could even Swiss cheese it further if you wanted to with no significant decrease in strength.
by Trampas N. on 07/19/2020
"Very good piston I have already bought a total of 3 or 4 of these because the quality on these is unmatched. This piston is my go to for high speed builds. GREAT PISTON
by Bill S. on 03/09/2020
"Excellent piston. Works good in my VFC SCAR-H
by Alex P. on 01/03/2020
"Bruh just buy this piston you will never regret it. Best affordable, durable, and known piston on the market!
by Sebastian J. on 12/26/2019
"Best price/performance piston that you can buy for non DSG and non joule creep builds. I have used this piston in all of my high ROF and trigger response SSG builds and it has never failed.
by Caleb H. on 11/26/2019
"I got this after I tried to run a 45k motor with my old piston on a 13:1 gearset. Needless to say, my old piston didn't reset in time, and it only had a metal release tooth; it stripped instantly.

This one survived the same configuration. But I also went back to my 18k motor; the teeth were trying to engage prematurely on this one, too. The difference is the full steel rack on this piston held up.

The 2nd tooth removal (the one next to the pickup tooth) is nice; if you're correcting the angle of engagement, you'll almost CERTAINLY need to take off some of the next tooth, also. I tried it on my gearbox, and it bound up the gearbox until I took some material off.

This has run in my box for a while now. No complaints; it does its job flawlessly, and isn't showing any signs of premature wear when I'm in there.
by Kevin S. on 08/21/2019
"Paired this with SHS 12:1 gearset good piston. Another great one is the HellFire (red) piston too
by Felipe E. on 10/18/2018
"Installed this into my KWA RM4a1 aeg3 ERG and it works great so far went in without a hick up and cycles flawlessly even with stock gearing only thing is that it is lighter so I will have to go up in spring tension to achieve a slightly higher fps because it is so light but Rof definitely went up this did my trigger response a bit not much.
by Reed H. on 06/03/2018
"Very high quality piston and a SUPER light one at that. You could Swiss cheese it if you wanted to, but you wouldn't really have to unless your running like a 55 RPS DSG. The rack is really strong steel. Great buy!