Killerbody Marvel Licensed Iron Man Mk. VII Motorized Wearable Suit w/ Working LED's & Sounds - Advanced, Limited Edition
6 Customer Reviews
by Nash T. on 05/27/2024
"I had to eat 10 roaches and a live frog to win the bet that got me enough money to buy this but, it was worth it, now I can act like that one super hero from that one movie I forget what it’s called. Overall great cosplay for Spider-Man.😀
by Nathan G. on 01/16/2023
"had to sell my left nut but it was worth it I get all the girls now
by Spencer k. on 12/01/2020
"had to sell a kidney for it but it was totally worth it, now i get all the ladies
by Hayden S. on 01/23/2020
"I really like this suit. It was an excellent cosplay for a convention I recently went to. I received a TON of compliments.
by Erik T. on 12/13/2017
"Phat brap is all i nneded to say when it came in the mail
by PARKER P. on 07/01/2017
"Very nice and shiny, works really well and worth the price