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Golden Eagle 31 Round Magazine for Hi-CAPA Gas Blowback Pistols (Color: Silver)

5 Customer Reviews

by Brian T. on 09/11/2024
"Ok..gotta update this...these work like a charm in my EMG JW3 Combat master, ECHO/JAG JW4 Pit viper, Novritsch SSP1, and just about anything else I have in a 1911 type format. Kind of finicky when comes to filling them. They fill, but gas will spit out while filling. Still, way worth it imo.
by Brian T. on 09/05/2024
"These are good mags. Just as good as WE or AW. Plus...these work absolutely great in my EHCO/JAG arms JW Pit Viper! Fits even better than the mag it comes with and without any "rattle" noises once installed unlike the one it comes with and they're $10 cheaper. No brainer...
by Andrew K. on 08/02/2024
"Exemplary magazine for the price. Well-built and heavy, I’m going to be buying some more!!!
by Sakul L. on 07/12/2024
"Works like a charm in my Custom hi-capa. comes with a v2 valve
by Dakota H. on 09/10/2024
"Ordered two, neither had the fill valve o-ring. Those are cheap though, so once I got those replaced they run just fine. And even with the cost of those o-rings, it's still a fair bit cheaper than most mags. But still, for a product to ship without a critical seal is kind of unacceptable.

The stock feed lip does protrude a bit forward, which causes the mag to fit a bit tight and not always drop freely. And worse, when I broke the feed lip in one (mag fell out of my pocket), replacement feed lips needed substantial sanding in order to fit and feed properly. In fairness, they didn't fit my Hi Capa's stock mag either, so that might be an issue with the feed lip itself. Regardless, only an issue if/when you break a feed lip, otherwise it doesn't matter.

Other than those fairly minor issues, they work well. No misfeeds or issues with the valve so far. Worth the discounted price in my opinion.