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Earmor M52 Button-Activated PTT (Model: ICOM)

5 Customer Reviews

by Adam T. on 03/29/2021
"I purchased this from another dealer to go with me M52 Mod 3 black that I purchased from Evike. The thing just works. I am using the Motorola 2 pin version with a Yaesu FT-65r, and it works perfectly. I couldn't be more pleased. Feels very well built, looks the part, and functions better than I imagined.
by Serghei T. on 05/19/2020
"It work with military style headset(peltor) Not replicas(z tactical) with wrong wiring
by Zackary B. on 06/23/2020
"so i got this ptt for use with my earmore headset and it works well. i see a few people wondering why the ptt doesnt work with the ztac or element headset, its because it hast the same plug in as real peltors and most airsoft replicas use a different one, i tested this with my issued peltors and the ptt did work. mt only complaint is that you cant take off the secondary remote ptt button. this makes for a lot of extra wire that i have to put in the admin pouch of my jpc.

only use with earmore/ peltor headsets
the manufacturer should offer an option with just the base ptt unit
works great when paired with the right headset
by Matt M. on 05/01/2019
"Works really everything functions perfectly, would recommend running with an earmor headset, and also be careful with some of the small parts like the mic jacks but that’s a given with any other mic/PPT set up. Other than that it works really well good what you pay for
by Christian R. on 07/25/2022
"It worked when I tested it at home using 2 radios. The moment I stepped on the field it stop transmitting. Receiving is not an option. Googled the issue. Didn’t really learn anything I didn’t know since I’ve been fighting with comms for awhile now. Decided to test it again. Pushed the mic cable on my headset in more. Plugged everything in. Made sure it was in all the way (which it always had been). Now it works. Tested a few hours later and it still works. Only thing I can think of is the plastic piece housing the 2 pins needs to shaved down a bit. I haven’t done this yet.