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Golden Eagle Li-poly Ready Stubby CQB M4 Airsoft AEG w/ Reinforced Black Metal Gearbox (Color: Black - Basic Battery Package)

37 Customer Reviews

by davis w. on 01/05/2025
"This is my second review of this gun that's how awesome it's been. I threw a kythera in mine kinda goes real hard. I also painted it Arizona green tea style to match my jacket. I wish i would've chose a different hpa engine for such a cqb oriented gun but it still works amazing and is so fun. The hop up unit and outer barrel are heavily proprietary so upgrading is annoying ngl. the accuracy is pretty good out of the box but i'm going to buy inner barrel and bucking to see if i can improve the accuracy to be a laser. But i recommend no one buy this gun so that way i can keep the unique stubby design to myself.

The stock gun itself was amazing tho. The only thing that went wrong after 2 years of play was that the trigger contacts had burned out (hence the switch to hpa). I was pretty new at the time still when it happened so i thought my whole gearbox was trashed when in reality i only needed a new trigger unit, which can be a super good gun upgrade. Anyone new into the sport will definitely have a good time using this for a while until it needs upgraded at which point you'll most likely be seeking upgrades already.

Idk what more to say obviously not the best out of the box but for the price it does so much. also 11.1v Lipo ready is awesome. Anyways love this gun it's my baby thx for listening to my ted talk.
by davis w. on 06/07/2023
"I bought this as my first gun for airsoft and highly recommend others to buy as well. This gun performed crazy well until like a month ago but that was like 2-3 years of use, the gun is still good i just need a new motor. I converted it to deans but that's the only upgrade I've made. It's light weight and very mobile for an m4, it shoots like a lazer with no upgrades, has always shot at 344 fps, and for the price this is the cheapest you'll get into the platform. The flash hider is a pain to remove if you want to put on a tracer.

-light and mobile(cqb friendly)
-flash hider is difficult to remove
by Randall T D. on 12/04/2017
"Great gun, solid construction, right hand friendly grip.

Got the 11.1v battery package option, had a bad cell but Evike is great and sent me a replacement battery.

Love the gun and would highly recommend it. Shoots 320 FPS on average. Solid rate of fire and full auto can intimidate some others on the receiving end of the gun ;)

Cons: Loud, smaller barrel usually is but you are not hiding using this gun lol.
by Mark B. on 07/07/2016
"Bought for my 9 yr old. Marker is pretty solid and shoots well. surprisingly accurate for essentially having a pistol barrel on it. lol. Range is excellent and accuracy is consistent. Ran it semi mostly and full auto some. No problems at all except two things. The stock holds the battery. The provided battery is too big to fit unless you really cram it in there. I just ran it on the stock(taped it to the side). Second issue. The stock bolts on and the threads that held the stock on stripped out(got loose first then just came off). I replaced the stock with a spare m4 stock off a kwa. Looks better, works better. Even with these issues, the gun is solid and works great. I did put a slightly longer barrel on it and made a mini suppressor. I recommend the gun and probably will pick up two more for indoor cqb in nashville, tn.
by Wesley B. on 10/21/2015
"Bruh... This gun is duh dope...

No, seriously his gun is my very best and most favorite airsoft buy, (other than my Dye i4). This gun is awesome. I bought a lipo for this, and boy! It REKTZ everything!!!

metal hand rail
very high quality polymer body casing
metal high cap mag
great price for quality
overall 99.99% awesome

by Thomas S. on 09/16/2015
"This is a great gun for the price it is strong and accurate the only problem I had with the gun is the battery that comes with the gun is too big to fit into the stock
by Paul S. on 05/12/2014
"For the price that this stubby goes for, you can't go wrong. I bought this gun as a cheap alternative for something my sons could use. This gun really impressed me. I was expecting something that was "ok" and didn't expect it to last. Well, it has proven me wrong.

Out of the box, it chrono'd at 340fps with a 18rps rate of fire. It came with a black gearbox and the spring is comparable to an M120. Hop up is a 2 piece unit. The most surprising part for me was that it came with a torque up motor. The stock is short, but it can take in just about any type of battery. I have been able to fit 65C 2500mah batteries in it. As for accuracy, it is fairly accurate within 75-100FT. After that, the groupings becomes quite large. Not bad since these machines were meant for CQB. However, with .25bbs and good tune of hop up, I was able to get the groupings tighter after 100FT.

One thing to note about this gun is that I have received a lot of comments about the sound that it makes when I shoots. It has a nice cracking pop sound. I must admit that I really like the sound of it when I first shot it. The sound from the barrel drowns out the sound of the motor. I can barely hear the motor. I have changed the flash hider to something longer and the sound changed a bit. BTW, it was a PITA to remove the stock flash hider.

Lipo ready(I also briefly[120 rounds] ran it on 4S lipo. Crazy fast!)
340 FPS
Torque up motor
Comfortable motor grip
Nice loud cracking sound
Nothing loose, good overall quality

Grip is not ambidextrous
Groupings go a bit wide after about 100FT
2 piece hop up(that's just me though. I prefer one piece)
by Cody B. on 07/23/2013
realistic feel
pretty heavy (good or bad)
takes my regular m4 mags

kinda loud (which could be good or bad)
by nick s. on 11/21/2012
"I love this gun. If you are getting a stubby get this one. it is low price and works right out of the box. the hop up needs to be adjusted at first but can shoot very far.

Shoots far
small (can be a con)
high fire rate

Battery is hard to get in the first time
other than that the gun is amazing!
by Dale M. on 02/26/2012
"well for starters i love this gun...I have always wanted a stubby killer...and i got it a couple days ago.
pros: powerful
fast rof
made of good metal
pistol grip is amazing!(for right handed people only)

paint on rails scratches easily
battery is hard to get in
when you have a mask on it is hard to ADS
my friend called it a shooting tampon:(
by Anthony G. on 12/23/2010
"This is a great gun for anything its light enogh for one hand but has enough weight that you know you are gonna do something with it. FPS is good it can hit a target for a good distance away but the sights arent that good. Overall the gun is a must buy for any airsoft player weather its a side arm or a number 1 gun.

OVERALL - 10/10 easily.
by Courtney D. on 12/01/2010
"This gun is powerful, accurate, and fast right out of the box. This gun shoots at around 370 fps with no upgrades. When the hop-up is adjusted correctly, it is accurate up to 225 feet. The range is incredible for only having a 5 inch inner barrel. The gun comes with an 8.4v 1600mAh mini type battery. With this battery the gun can achieve a rate of fire of about 800 rounds per minute. With the 9.6v 2000mAh nunchuck style battery that I bought, the rounds per minute are now upwards of 950. One of my teammates has a KWA M16 and I am just as much a threat with this gun as he is with his. The gearbox in this thing is one fo the most reliable gearboxes on the market. It is LiPo ready but I would not recommend it if you want your gun to last. Now for the apperance. The gun does have a plastic body but it is the best plastic out there. It is solid. I have dropped my gun a number of times and it has yet to show evidence of that. The body is very reliable. I would say get the plastic body over the metal body considering JG does not have the best metal bodies. JG metal bodies are not reliable and will break if you drop your gun. The stock and pistol grip have a rubberized texture to them. They feel very nice in your hand. The pistol grip is ergonomic and seems to mold to your hand, however, if you are a lefty you should get a different grip for this gun. It is the pest grip I have felt on any gun including real steel. It has rear and front flip up sights which are rather nice. It has a rail on the top to mount optics. The gun also has a very nice and sturdy free float rail system which is only 4-5 inches long but can accomodate a variety of accessories such as a flash light, laser, vertical foregrip, etc. The gun comes with a plastic blaze orange flash hider. This flash hider is glued on and it took a pair of vicegrips to get mine off. The barrel does have a CCW thread which is compatible with most major brands. JG supplies a metal black flash hider with the gun which I recommend be put on gun instead of the orange one. remember that CCW threads mean right loosens and left tightens. I recommend getting .25 gram bb's because .20 bb's are not as accurate.

Package includes:
190 round hi-cap mag with winding key
unjamming/cleaning rod
black flash hider
8.4v 1600mAh mini type battery
wall charger

Recommended upgrades:
smart charger- extends battery life and keeps you from overcharging your battery
9.6v 2000mAh nunchuck style battery
300 round hi-cap mag
vertical foregrip
red/green dot sight- increases accuracy

Looks good

Battery is difficult to get in( only the first time you do it) nothing to worry about

Overall I would recommend this gun to anyone from beginner to experienced players.
by Micheal M. on 06/12/2010
"This is by far the greatest CQB gun i have ever bought. it blows me away at the range and accuracy with such a short barrel. amazing must buy!!
by Leslie H. on 04/04/2010
"For you people looking for a small but efficient close quarters weapon, this is for you:

The gun itself measures 21.5 inches long, and has a good bit of weight to it for its size. Its not that much, but not too much. Rubber coated grip and stock, a thin layer, but itll hold up if properly maintained. Things can erode it away, oils from your body that come into contact with it can wear that away, behind it theres just plain plastic, so no need to experiment with that. Externally the gun looks good, the Engraving marks on the rail system didnt come with mine, but then again i didnt buy it for the Golden Eagle marking now did i? Thankfully also the made in china label didnt come with mine either :D

Internally, i havent taken it apart much, but form what little tinkering i have done, the internals look solid. As far as the hopup goes, its just the standard 2 piece plastic hopup, isnt the best isnt the worst. My adjustment gear broke and fell out, so i ordered a new one today, so hopefully that fixes that.

Externally, the rail on the top of the gun, dust cover, mock ejection port, charging handle, trigger, trigger guard, outer barrel, checkered buttplate, and the rail removal rings are all metal(In the picture, the circular shape beside the screws on the back of the rail system.) You can remove the rail system, just twist the whole thing counter clockwise(your right) and you can take it off, now take care not to lost the 2 little pieces of metal, you need those to fix your rail system so it doesnt move. The sling swivel on the back of the stock is metal also, but it gets a little wobbly in its place, which is actuyally a good thing in my opinion, that way the sling adjusts the gun fitting to its position.

The sights the gun comes with are decent, also metal. My rear sights release and hold spring broke, so now its up the whole time, cant lower it normally. The front site is decent, usually what i do is flip it around so it can hang over the barrel.

Battery: Well, its a battery, rate of fire is moderately high with it, but its a pain to work with putting in at times, not too bad, just kind of retarded that they made all these little parts inside the stock that stick out for no reason, but thats likely me just over exagerrating. Now if you want to take off the full stock, theres a straight screw slot on the upper end of the stock, take that out and you can take out the stock. And you can do whatever you need with it, replace it, burn it, whip it at someone, whatever tickles your fancy, but i wouldnt burn it, its a good stock, minus the inner structure stick outs.

Performancewise, this thing has a good big of power, the FPS rates are accurate, compared to Airsoft Megastore where i initially bought htis form, but its the exact same thing. AMS over rates their FPS, thats a reason to shy away. FPS isnt everything, but its important. Jamming is not a concern here, the VN(Vietnam) magazine that comes with this feeds very well and has no problems at all. This gun isnt shy about making its prescense known either, it makes a nice low pitched but lout pop everytime.
Note, use 20 or 23 gram, i use 20, but will try 23 in the near future.

All in all a great gun, but id recommend getting a tighbore and longer outer barrel, although range is decent, a tb could really do some improvement. If your looking for a good cqc weapon, i hope this review helped you on what to pick, because htis is a great buy.
by Chris c. on 01/04/2010
"I've had this gun for a while now and it has been great!I have spent alot of money on it and it is now a hot rod gun.I put a tight bore and covered the rest with a suppressor and then new motor,a Red Dot,and a Beatiful LE stock with a battery pouch i think is more comfy than the Stubby stock.Ran a Lipo through it and this gun looked like a "Systema Mini" this gun is a great buy and the bang for your buck!!!