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"Operator Profile PVC Hex Patch" Evike Series 2 (Style: Evike "E" Gold)

4 Customer Reviews

by Madison M. on 06/09/2022
"Got the glow one. It actually works pretty well although it does lose the charge fairly rapidly. Nice addition to the Hex Panel though.
by Brian M. on 06/17/2021
"Very cool patch! Glows in the dark very well and good quality

Awesome glow
velcro ready
ridiculously fast shipping
by Alvin R. on 06/07/2021
"This patch looks very cool and if you are big fan of Airsoft you should get it to rock it proudly
by Corey S. on 12/03/2017
"Cool little Evike patch to show your loyalty! Though alittle smaller then I thought it would be...