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VFC 30 Round Magazine for VFC M4/416 Gas Blowback Rifles (Model: Polymer V-Mag)

4 Customer Reviews

by Ethan J. on 02/28/2025
"Got them they are standard VFC AR V3 mags with the dryfire switch . Dont really know what else to say but they work in my VFC V3 M16A1.
by Karan B. on 02/16/2024
"I received version 2 mags from the most recent restock. They work great they and you can get kits to upgrade to v3 if you want. I just kept them v2, working great.
by Aljon D. on 06/18/2021
"Bought one of these bad boys (“V”- mags) to see if it would fit in my VFC HK416 D, and surprisingly it did! Considering the mag well is built differently from your standard M4 series rifles. It’s gas capacity is impressive, I’ve shot 60-80 rounds on one charge and... wait for it... IN COLD WEATHER! I live in Washington state and 50-60 degree weather and it functioned just fine, yes the FPS dropped, but it has yet to eject all the gas at any time I’ve had it, I’m going to be buying more to use my 416 as a primary, I’m still keeping a little bit of skepticism, for people planning on buying these or are new to the Gbbr world, be sure you keep your Gbbrs properly maintained and or upgraded. Can’t always blame the mags, I have an WE M14 and lemme tell ya, those mags are worst than babysitting a sugar hyped kid...
by Whit M. on 07/22/2020
"Bought 4 STANGS for my VFC 416D. All fit very tight and function very well. Holds around 40 rounds, with enough gas for about 70 rounds. However, ALL THE MAGS I ORDERED HAVE THE HK TRADES. I personally love this as it matches my original mag, but be aware it’s not what’s pictured.