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AW Custom HX Nozzle Assembly for HX21 Double Barrel Airsoft Pistols (Part: Left Side)

ID: 79108 (Part-HXAY12)
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AW Custom


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The manufacturer of this product enforces a strict minimum advertised price (MAP) policy which excludes this product from any additional discount coupon codes. This item, however, may qualify for free shipping.
Part Options:


  • FRN construction
  • Drop in replacement / upgrade component
  • AW Custom factory replacement component
  • Complete nozzle assembly
Part: HXAY #'s 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Compatibility: AW Custom HX201 Airsoft Pistols
Material: FRN

Manufacturer: AW Custom

About AW Custom

While the world around us has moved to less demanding production techniques, AW Custom has stayed true to its original values based on craftsmanship and quality, that is why AW Custom products are able to last a lifetime. We are the keepers of a culture's ancient craft, a symbol of the airsoft gun maker's desire to stay true to tradition. Each stage of the process: from manufacturing to finishing, is a specialized skill that takes time and careful attention.

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