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TAPP Airsoft HPA Tapped Flashmag Winding Drum Magazine for Gas Powered Airsoft Guns (Model: KJW KC02 / Long)

5 Customer Reviews

by Rozana P. on 04/24/2021
"This is a great mag. 1500 bbs. Holds up great. Only used it once so far but I like it
by Josh W. on 08/15/2019
"I bought one of the KWA mp9 (short) drum magazines from the TAPP Airsoft site and recieved it. Would completely recommend the TAPP products, really high quality stuff. When I had questions the live chat support feature on their website helped a bunch. Really great stuff!
by Justin B. on 06/19/2019
"I bought one for my KWA mp9. Works beautifully. Feeds perfectly. Haven't had any issues with the mag itself. My only issue i have right now it that the gun tends to dry out quickly from using air instead of the silicone in green gas. I'd recommend over lubing your gun or putting a few drops in the gas chamber of the mag before connecting the air line.

Would also recommend the short mag for the mp9. The full size mag with the drum attached to the bottom is kind of unwieldy. Short mag is perfect.
by Kevin V. on 09/04/2018
by Branden Y. on 07/27/2018
"I have ordered multiple drum mags for various guns from TAPP directly and Evike.

Two of the G&P WOC M4 mags I ordered from Evike both leaked on arrival. To fix them I disassembled them and added fresh teflon tape to parts where the segments of the magazine combined. The way they implemented the drum mag to the m4 mag could use some work. The drum portion is so far from the rifle that it looks bad. A whole portion of the m4 mag is essentially useless and the whole product would have been better if they could have just used the top portion of the m4 magazine and attached the drum portion to the bottom.

One Hi-Capa mag from TAPP worked perfectly on arrival, another one I ordered from TAPP had a slight leak and tightening the screw to the 3D printed part fixed it. The HPA valve is pretty close to the handle so enhanced magwell flares would have to be removed for the magazine to go in properly.

Finally a short Vector mag I ordered from TAPP worked perfectly on arrival, no complaints. The only issue is the HPA valve sits right underneath the bottom plate where I liked to put my support hand.