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Rothco Lightweight Plate Carrier Vest (Color: OD Green)

12 Customer Reviews

by Michael D. on 10/06/2020
"So far very happy with it. Havent played a game in it yet but after the initial setup with foam SAPI plates, the PC fits very well and is easy to adjust. At 5' 8" and 135 lbs it was very easy to adjust and get a nice fit.

Hopefully it holds up to continued use and will update this review as it's used.
by Nicholas N. on 07/15/2020
"Can fit on anyone! Very Sleak Looking
by James C. on 05/09/2020
"You get what you paid for . Just add some plates and this vest works just how you need it . I am 6 ft and 140lbs so I was worried about it being to lose but the Velcro attachments make it so easy to adjust and fit to your size . Would recommend to friends.
by Matthew S. on 07/12/2018
"I'm 5'9 and about 140 lbs and this vest fits me perfectly. I used some foam where the plates would go and it is nice and snug. Very light and durable.
by Carson S. on 12/31/2017
"Good product worth your money
by Noah P. on 11/07/2017
"I speedsoft in this and it is extremely lightweight even with plates and its affordable too.

all in all great plate carrier and could also work as a milsim plate carrier as well
by Adrian G. on 12/03/2022
"bought one of these off a surplus store, thought to leave a review here.

overall it's a good buy, pretty standard mostly.
good for beginners and maybe pros.


straps for the cummerbund is on the back of the carrier so not as much back MOLLE.
could be hard to take off

NEITHER loud velcro ouch
by Robert L. on 06/08/2021
"Quality is good. Fit good. I'd give it 5 stars but I can't. Where the side panels meet the back of the carrier, its held together by a bungie type Para cord. 3 times it has came undone in a game. Not a quick fix. But easy. I finally just replaced it with real Para cord.
by Zachary B. on 09/21/2020
"I'm 5'9 150lbs it fits, my brother is 6'3 210lbs, it fits

its holds 3 mags


Does the job
by broxton a. on 12/28/2017
"Fits well on my girlfriend with the dummy plates good buy! :)
by Robert L. on 08/18/2022
"Good for a beginner. Not to expensive. Its ok.
by Stephen H. on 06/08/2021
"Okay just got it In today but I just realized it fits large plates I’m a fairly small guy and I buy small plates so it won’t really work unless I modify the plate carrier furtger