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Classic Army Gen 2 LTR Bolt Action Lightweight Airsoft Sniper Rifle

4 Customer Reviews

by kyle C. on 09/08/2020
"Great gun, shoots good outta the box! I recommend fully upgrading this gun. I've fully upgraded mine with all action army internals and it works like a dream. An M150 & .40g bbs it shoot 2.3j at 355fps. Im ranging targets at 300ft.
by Sean M. on 06/05/2020
"Awesome sniper rifle out of the box without any upgrades.

250 Ft range

Finicky hop-up
by Colyer T. on 07/24/2018
"this thing is amazing. I love so much!

Shoots Far

Hurts Really Bad LOL
by Corey S. on 07/05/2018
"Shoots amazing out of the box. I put a m150 spring in it and am able to hit ranged targets reliably. Solid construction, I just wish they used normal vsr mags. Going to update this once I've got the pdi barrel, action army hopup chamber, and wolverine bolt rig setup in it.