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WE-Tech Hi-Capa 3.8 Deinonychus Gas Blowback Pistol (Color: Silver)

6 Customer Reviews

by Jacob B. on 02/12/2025
"This is one of the best budget pistols I've played with. We're fairly new to airsoft, but we spent a LOT of time in the Evike Dallas location trying out and feeling different pistols. This one impressed me a lot. For the money, the weight, recoil, and overall aesthetic is very impressive.

Check one of these things out if you haven't.

The grip is small, but even with adult male hands, it was still really enjoyable. It fits kids very well.
by ely r. on 11/30/2021
"It's small but has some weight to it. It feels and looks tough. Shoots better than allot of my other pistols. Definitely it's looks make it stand out. It was beautifully made! I advice sticking to the stock magazine, it looks odd if you add a larger mag.
by Douglas B. on 06/01/2021
"These guns are fairly solid. One minor problem is that the description on these guns insists they are “Full Auto”. I have 2 and neither offer that feature. I have brought this to Evikes attention and yet I still see them constantly described as “Full Auto” in the stores and online.

It’s nice to have the 1911/Hi Capa style gun in a compact Glock size.
by Dominik S. on 04/10/2021
"Shoots great feels realistic and is very adjustable
by Wilson R. on 12/24/2018
"I bought this gun and it was great...very fast and hard hitting...the blowback on it has a hard kick!!!
by Dominik S. on 04/13/2021
"Mag came leaking and now have to send it back. Got my hopes up just to have to send mage the gun very sad but that’s just the way life goes