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Tokyo Marui FNH Licensed P90TR w/ Suppressor Airsoft AEG PDW

6 Customer Reviews

by Malachi H. on 04/18/2024
"Love this thing. It's a beast out of the box, but with some upgrades it really rips. I purposely installed only rate of fire upgrades, so while I get outranged on open maps, I dominate CQB. 10/10, easy to work on and a blast to shoot.
by Rocio M. on 12/15/2021
"The battery connection for this gun is not a deans connection. I learned this the hard way and bought a battery with a deans connector.
by Brad S. on 08/19/2021
"This is a great gun for CQB, doesn't come with the foam inserts but once I found some foam tubing to fit it's really quite. Also shoots like a laser out the box, feels great in CQB give so much more movement. The only down side is you have to go with Tokyo Marui mags because it's really touchy to other aftermarket mags there 30 bucks a piece but never misfeed the whole 68 rounds. Rate of fire is about 28rps so that's good V6 gearbox just sounds good and performs really well. For the price this gun is worth every penny so far. I grabbed a lambda 6.01 tightbore and installed it shoots so tight it's insane, other then that I feel theres no reason to upgrade anything else great starter gun if you wanna stick out in the sea of M4s 10 outta 10 for sure.
by Kyle M. on 07/02/2021
"Great gun. Nice and light and easy to maneuver. In stock form it’s solid for cqb and decent at field. Gearbox cycles well and trigger response with a 7.4v lipo is decent. Very easy gun to work on and they make a plethora of upgrade parts if you want to turn it up past 280fps and get a little more trigger response and ROF. Overall one of the best out of the box guns I’ve purchased, lives up to the Marui hype.
by MICHAL F. on 06/10/2021
"Amazing gun!!

fast trigger response with a TM 8.4v Mini-S battery
great sounding gearbox
light to point
can hold ADS forever without getting tired
transition to targets lightning fast
surprisingly accurate at 40m
BBs hop perfectly to the center of my red dot
falls short of my Krytac's 60m range though

nothing beats a TM P90 for CQB
by Cordell B. on 02/23/2019
"First TM gun I've every bought, and if you're really looking into this you've probably read the description... Which is wrong. I'll give a more accurate desc.

Weight: 3.1lbs (without a magazine or battery)
Inner Barrel: 260mm
Magazine Capacity: 68rnd Mid cap comes with the gun, recc only using TM mags as they fit perfectly
Muzzle Velocity: ~287 FPS (Measured with 0.20g BBs)
Thread Direction: 14mm Negative
Gearbox: Ver 6, Fully Upgradeable _- Don't ever open a TM up, you'll lose some fairy dust
Motor: Short Type
Fire Modes: Semi/Full-Auto, Safety
Package Includes: Gun, Magazine, Suppressor, Manual that is mostly in Japanese
Battery: 9.6v Small Type recommended (Battery not included) _- actually it recommends the TM 8.4mini battery, but I run an 11.1 Lipo (make sure to swap fuses to a 25amp, or you'll blow it)
Hopup: Yes, Adjustable

Now since that's out the way, I've only used this gun for one game so far... in 40*F weather while raining. It preformed better than I expected, Of course my standards were low to begin with. adjusting the hopup correctly you can get a good 150ft-225ft consistently. Also note that it does have a 2-stage trigger for Full-auto, meaning that pulling the trigger half way will fire 1 round, then pulling it the rest of the way will activate full auto (Like AUGs)