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LCT Airsoft PKP Pecheneg Full Metal Airsoft AEG Light Machine Gun

6 Customer Reviews

by Austin B. on 03/16/2024
"Wow. Where to start. Today was my first game with this gun and I have to say, this is not only the best machine gun I’ve ever owned, it is the best gun period. Truly an incredible gun. I’ll review 3 points, the externals, the internals, and the box mag.
The externals: 1 to 1 scale and weight. You will break before this gun will. The dovetail (side) mount is notably smaller than the ak mount I bought to attach an optic. To fix this I used a high quality custom spacer attachment (popsicle stick,) to fix the problem. Yeah it’s a little ghetto for a 1000$ gun but it works well and holds zero
The internals: quality that reflects the price. It chronos at 420 fps with .20s. I only ran .32s and they've hopped… with varying success. Though I’ve never tried it, I recommend .28s while it’s stock at least. I run an 11.1 lipo because of the stock mosfet, and the rate of fire is compromised because of the high fps, High torque motor instead of high speed. This is exactly how I wanted the stock performance to be for this price point, coming from an a&k m60 and an m249, this was great. Now, the disappointing part, the box mag.
The box mag: the weakest part of any machine gun is the box mag, this is no exception. Now I will clarify, the motor is strong and it seems to be decent quality (take notes m60/m240.) Airsoft Alfonse described it perfectly. The a&k pkm is how it should be done, wired to the trigger and feeds from the bottom. While it feeds from the bottom, the winding control is a button at the bottom. And while it could be said it’s nice being in control, it’s probably a cope at this point. In my first engagement, I forgot to wind it (coming from my m60 that’s wired to the trigger,) which got me killed. The gun runs on 2 battery’s, one for the gun one for the box mag. That bugs me but whatever I can just get it rewired. What frustrated me was the gun battery was deans, and the box mag was Tamia or however you spell it. So I had to have a tech rewire it because I only use deans. Sad :/
Overall this gun is something special. All those late nights serving, working hard to afford this gun, was all worth it when it’s all said and done.
by Judah H. on 01/15/2024
"A guy at my local field owns one of these and i played alongside him and from what he's told me and what i've seen, this gun is worth every penny
by Ethan M. on 12/04/2021
"It's big gun, I'm hard as hell at all times, it's a medical condition
by Spencer S. on 07/27/2021
"I bought this a while back, and I just have to say, this thing ALWAYS draws crowds over when I open up my locked case. Everyone wants to hold it, try it out, see it, etc. Every. Single. Time.

Absolute beast of a gun.

I even went the extra mile and bought the official Zenitco hardware for it (the real stuff with the certificate of QC), as well as the light. Slapped a grip on the side of the rail, and an optic.

I have no idea if they simply don't ship the flash hider with the gun to Americans, but I ordered this from Canada and it came with the authentic metal one already on the barrel.

Customs was long, but the gun made it through no problems at all. They did an inspection and opened it up, but did not damage anything. I can't imagine their faces when they saw this toy haha. CBA does a lot of inspections on guns and airsoft, but I doubt they see too many of these.

The feeling when you pick it up is "Holy $#!T, is this real?" because it's very realistic. Almost perfectly so. The only issue I found was with the Cyrillic on the safety, which uses a lower case b instead of the russian character of similar shape.

Comparing this thing to photos of the real gun, you can tell that LCT put a lot of love into this gun. You absolutely get a thousand-dollar-gun. The internals were well lubricated, the gears already shimmed decently, and the motor runs like butter. Consistent FPS, consistent RPS, and a MOSFET comes standard.

Disassembly/teching the gun is a bit of a pain because it's so unique-- first disassembly was a pain because it was just so well put together, it felt like it was all one piece. It does come apart well though after a few go-arounds.

Using it? You better be in shape. If you're a fatass like I am, you will be heaving and hawing after your first 10 minute game. The gun fully loaded and equipped with optics weighs around 30lbs, and it's VERY front heavy, just like the real gun. It's accurate like a laser beam, and it's one of the only guns I didn't have to upgrade out of the box to get that accuracy.

It's also factory R-Hopped. Absolutely awesome.

Drawbacks: the box mag is a bit on the weaker side compared to the gun, as they use a thinner, unhardened steel for the structure of the mag. The clip is solid, but sometimes the lid of the magazine will bend slightly and cause feeding problems. This is alleviated by simply not resting the gun on the box while putting weight on it. It can also be easily bent back into position.

For LCT if they read this, I'd recommend reinforcing the WHOLE lid of the box mag, as that is the only drawback I've had from fielding the gun.

Overall, if you can afford this, and you're a fan of Russian military hardware, this is a no-brainer.

Seriously, I've never used a better gun in terms of realism and general "wow" factor. Even I get excited when I pull this thing out of the box.

PS: This gun will MAKE you want to work out, just so you can shoulder it. If you can't, be prepared to be a camper, and sit either prone, or behind cover all game. It's far too heavy to run around with.
by CALEB K. on 11/14/2019
"Firstly, I haven't fielded this yet. I've just played around with it and shot in my backyard. I have had this now for about a month, so I would like to think I have some "legit" experience with it...

So, as anyone would guess, this is heavy. I also own the M134 Minigun from CA which weights more. The distribution of weight on this actually makes it harder to carry compared to the minigun as it is very front-heavy. This is a gun I'm not "excited" about fielding because of the weight. The M249 I ran with weighs less and I felt pretty tired after ~5 hours. However, I DO love the weight. You pick this up and immediately feel joy because it feels legit. If nothing else, it just feels impressive. I have also held the A&K PKM. The lighter weight would be nice for running around for long periods of time, but it feels flimsy compared to the LCT. I've also noticed this with the LCT vs A&K M60 and the G&G vs A&K MG42. If you like that solid feel, the extra (realistic) weight, and the different look of STEEL vs A&K pot metal, then you'll love this.

There is a great cover of the gun and its accuracy to the real thing on WMASG, so I won't go too much into detail about that. From my perspective though, it is phenomenal.

So far, the gun's performance seems to be great. It has a MOSFET, so I use an 11.1 for the gun and a 7.4 for the mag. Mine is getting a ROF of ~14rps with a velocity in the range of 400-415fps. Thankfully, the vast majority of shots are 412-415. It does also have a micro-switch for the trigger, which is nice. As for the other internals, the metal-tooth piston, spring guide with bearings, etc... are all nice. LCT uses a high torque motor and high torque carbon steel gear set. Since most "high torque" gear sets are 32:1, and since the motor is a 22k (~22 TPA. ), I'm assuming that this is the same.

Five thousand round drum... This is the biggest freaking drum I have seen, let alone own.

Thankfully, the gearbox spring is a QC, which is nice because I love taking the spring out without opening up the gearbox.


So as for the issues...
For a gun that retails $975 (since LCT is now MAP'd...), I honestly expect zero issues. When I got mine, I contacted Evike because the mag wouldn't feed. I ended up not sending it in because I found someone on Reddit that had the same issue. The connections to the magazine motor are extremely loose and had come undone. This was a very easy fix, however, the other issue I had was a random part was left in my box mag. Since I was unscrewing it to fix the wire issue, I decided to take apart the mechanism and figure out where this part came from. For a $300 gun, I wouldn't really complain but this is a very different price bracket.

Another issue is that it doesn't come with a metal flash hider. A bit of my other guns come with one, and again, for almost $1000 it would be nice to include one...

Other than that, I can't say that I've seen ANYTHING wrong with the quality or performance. Other than maybe flat/R-hopping the gun, you won't really need to change anything out. With the capacity on this thing, and the disadvantage of the weight, I might consider upgrading the ROF of this thing.
Because of those somewhat small flaws, I'd give it a 4.5 rating, but will settle for a 5 because the quality is otherwise superb.
by Thompson R. on 09/30/2019
"To start this gun is fantastic, but at a price, this is by far the most expensive Airsoft gun I own, don’t let the price distract you though you get exactly what you pay for. The gun is completely steel with the exception of the stock, pistol grip, and cover for the carry handle, which are made of super durable polymer. The next thing I want to bring up is potentially a con, the gun weighs 25 lbs loaded and 22 lbs unloaded, this is not light, I’m not a big guy but not small either and this gun is at the weight limit for me.
Pros: it’s full steel and nothing at all feels cheap, you get exactly what you pay for.
Cons: the price, $975 is not cheap for anyone, but mind you this is a premium product
It weighs 25 lbs
It’s long and unwieldy
The box mag doesn’t wind when the trigger is pulled,( there is a button on the bottom you need to press to wind the mag)
The gun needs 2 batteries to function (one to power the box mag and one to power the gun itself)

TLDR: this gun is awesome, I whole heartedly recommend this gun if you’re ready for it. 5/5 in my book

After note: this is not the guns fault at all, my gun came to me modified, normally the gun will come with small Tamiya connection in the box mag and the gun connection, but mine came with deans, this wasn’t that big of a deal I just needed to buy a separate adapter, also my gun came with some visible ware marks on the box mag, when I opened the box mag for the first time there were bb’s inside. All this together leads me to believe I got a showroom model gun. (The gun they have on display in the store)