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KWC M1911-A1 Full Metal 6mm CO2 Powered Airsoft Gas Blowback Pistol

7 Customer Reviews

by Jason G. on 08/02/2024
"Fire gun bro dude this shit was amazing I shot a target from 300 feet away and hit it dude amazing amazing dude!!!!!
by Avery B. on 01/13/2020
"VERY nice pistol, good weight and kick. Very accurate aside from the cheeky orange tip us Americans are required to have. The only thing I wish was that it was officially licensed because it looks very accurate to the 1911a1s that were in service in WWI. Blowback is nice and decent mag capacity. I'd recommend getting a speedloader, trying to load it without one is quite a pain.
by sean r. on 03/10/2015
"I'm not very experienced airsofter but I've had this gun for a few months now and played with it a few times as well. One can really only speak well of this pistol, from it's amazing sight picture to it's insane gas efficiency, this thing will not give out. After a few months, however, the slide started sticking halfway back on occasion before the mag is empty though that's probably my problem with lubing it. the only thing that I would change is the front of the grip, I would like there to be some kind of ridges or serrations to prevent the gun from slipping in my hands but it's really not even that big an issue. Over all, this is an absolutely amazing pistol and I would most definitely recommend it to anyone.
by rosario t. on 01/01/2015
"I received this gun four months ago and have fielded it around 9 times, so it is time for my thoughts. I have been extremely satisfied with the performance and realism of this gun. When I opened it up I immediately field stripped it so I could clean it and properly lubricate it. The one thing I found about these KWC made pistols is that the lube dries up quickly so you need to keep an eye on it. The gun and hop up finally settled down when it was adjusted to fire .28 BB's. I have even used it as my primary when running a total of four magazines and it is a hell of alot of fun! This was a great purchase and I highly recommend buying it.
by david f. on 10/29/2014
"I won this gun 1 week ago it a good gun to use handel well no promble with it.
by karen N. on 01/26/2015
"Ive used this pistol for a good time now, but I did order it for christmas and got one with a defective mag, I had to get a new one but it works perfectly fine. I transferred from standard to blowback and realized how few rounds you can get out of one can of Co2, (this gun fires about 7, or 8). I love the weight of the gun, and it kicks pretty hard, I love the way the gun shoots and overall I think its worth the buy!
by Jacob H. on 12/27/2014
"Since there is only one review of this gun and many questions, I am here to assist!

First off, this is my first REAL airsoft gun. Full metal, gas blowback. So I don't know everything about airsoft, but I think enough about it and this gun to write a review. Let's begin:

great weight. I'm a smallish guy, and I can imagine myself easily carrying/using this a full game
along with that, fits in the hand very well
kickback is AWESOME. feels good, not too much
from what I can feel it uses gas pretty well. out of the box it took about maybe 6-8 full clips of firing to empty enough for no use

Hop-up is a PAIN to change. Idk if this is the same with all airsoft pistols, but you have to take the slide off the change it, and it is NOT easy.
instructions leave much to desire(and figure out yourself)
paint chips off pretty easily(I told you, taking the slide off is HARD)
loading the mag is just impossible. again, dunno if this is the same with all guns or not, but I sure cannot use my generic speedloader on this thing.
slide also does not lock unless mag is empty. other than that it is manual lock.(also there is no way to uncock? that may just be with all airsoft, idk)
finally, not that great of a clip size. I think it's like 15rds? DEFINITELY going to need to get a high cap mag to play games.

All in all, I would say this is a good first gun. Decent price, for a decent gun. Not crappy, but not high end.