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WE-Tech Full Size Gen2 GI 1911 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol (Color: Black / CO2)

100 Customer Reviews

by Clayton R. on 07/16/2022
"Just wanna say, don't listen to the people that say WE-TECH sucks, I've had this gun for about 2 months now, almost 2000 rounds through it, and I have had no issues

full metal
easy to take apart
kicks hard
decent fps
low price
mags are easy to find
mags hold gas well
amazing performance
high quality internals

mag spring will break easily
massive gas hog
barrel will sometimes get stuck, making the slide stick about 2mm from normal, but its fine
you will receive hate for having a we tech

its a really good pistol, i would recommend as your first gbb, 20th gbb, or even your 100th gbb
and for $115, sheesh, shut up and take my money
by Enoch G. on 08/07/2021
"I’ve had this 1911 for a few months now and I love it. Great quality
and feels nice in the hand. Only had a few issues with it, but other than that I love this gun.

PROS: - very accurate. Compared to other gas pistols that I own,
this one is one the most accurate guns I own.
- very affordable. When I was looking for a 1911 a lot of
them were over $150- $200 and over and that wasn’t in my
price range, but this gun was in that price range for me.
- works like a real 1911. Obviously, WE-Tech really makes
this one really close to the real thing, functions just like the
real thing and shoots really accurate to the real firearm.

CONS: - The magazine. When you insert the magazine, if you aren’t
careful with the force you apply to it, the tab that holds
that holds the spring inside the magazine will break off.
- the gun does come with a threaded barrel, but you have to
remove the orange tip on order to get to it.

Overall the gun is worth getting just as long as you are careful with it and use it properly. I love this gun and if you plan on buying it, it’s a great gun to buy.
by John M. on 02/04/2021
"Super good purchase. 100% recommend this gun.
by Aldo p. on 11/08/2020
"Got the gold gas version. For a WE Tech, this thing is amazing. Extra mags aren't so expensive so that's a plus. A very loud gun and wonderful blowback action. The glued-on orange tip is a pain to remove. The gold finish is astronomically beautiful. Overall, good job WE. Good job.
by Nick P. on 07/22/2020
"Pros: around 3 magazines per co2 cartridge, loud, hard kick, feeds exceptionally, and slide locks back when empty with no issues.

Cons: gun wobbles just a bit if I shake it around, barrel feels cheap, but I don’t know if it is or not 🤷‍♂️, slide is really easy to cock, and moves easily, but that’s just a nitpickey thing.

Other than that this is a great pistol! Well worth the price and even mags aren’t too expensive even for co2.
by Nathan H. on 06/06/2020
"Got the gold one. Looks great, better than in the picture. Came with thread adapter too
by Jordan C. on 10/19/2019
"So, i have both the co2 and gas black versions. The co2 feels weighty, shoots very well and the coating is solid and durable. The gas version feels cheap, shoots fine but the metal is weak and thin. It feels like a toy definitely 5 stars for the co2 and 3 for the gas
by Chad V. on 01/24/2018
"I'm a collector and do not skirmish with my air guns, having said that I purchased the silver version and 2 additional magazines for this pistol to do a custom build and to round out my collection of 1911's.

The silver finish is simply beautiful! Not too shiny, not to dull. I've also installed genuine Pachmayr Signature grips, a genuine Wilson Combat Skeleton trigger, a Bull-type bushing-less barrel , and finally a beaver-tail type grip safety. Yes, I put a lot of extra time, effort, and a few dollars into mine and I couldn't be happier with it.

As for gas consumption.. I live in Socal so cold weather really doesn't effect me.. YMMV
by Taylor s. on 11/02/2017
"I bought this as my first blowback pistol. I've always loved the 1911 look and feel. The gun works and looks amazing the only issue I've had with it is after the first game the inner barrel seems to shift upwards awkwardly because if the blow back spring, making it catch and hard to pull back for the first. After the first chambering it does fine.
Everyone else has had problems with mags
As long as you don't over fill it will gas or drop it on the playing field then I've had no problems with them.

-What you get for price
-easy disasembly
-easy to take of orange tip and apply

- the upper reciver catches on first chamber
-other people have problem with mags (I havnt)
by Brandon C. on 03/03/2016
"Very sturdy and heavy weight! They feel great to shoot and I don't see them breaking anytime soon. I purchased two of them and four magazines for a Agent 47 loadout. I immediately replaced the standard grips which feel terrible with American Legend Pachmayr grips. (Yes they are real wood), and two faux silencers. For some reason you need to be very firm on the trigger pulls or else the slide won't cycle completely. It will fire the next bb, but will not rack the slide far enough to lock it if you're out. I have not shot more than a hundred rounds through both so it may just be a break in period for the recoil spring that I have not reached yet.

PSA: The WE magazines do not fit standard hard shell magazine holders!

-Heavy weight
-Great stainless Finish
-Average 280-300 fps on chrono
-Comes with a 14mm silencer adapter

-Full stainless magazines with or without the MEU buttpad are expensive at 20 a pop
-Gas efficiency, but it does go through a whole mag.
-Silencer adapter is WE proprietary, and is made of an extremely soft metal. I managed to bend one by hand.

NOTE: Anyone buying this gun and any GBB in particular, pre-lube them before firing, mine came almost dry!

Photo of my two WE 1911 'Silverballers' with Walnut Pachmayr grips and 4 magazines. (Total 6 magazines).
by Aaron D. on 07/07/2015
"I purchased this weapon for competitive shooting, added the "Mad Bull Compensator" and changed out the grips for a man made pearl set. Both set the weapon off beautifully !
Been practicing with it, at 20 feet (.20 BB's) I find it quite accurate. Has good weight and balance. Action is smooth, zero issues with magazine changing and NO jamming at all. Draws smoothly, re-holsters smoothly as well.
A little flashy for the battle field, so will stick with my present sidearm. All in all a nice weapon. Only knock is I would prefer it to run off Co2 Cartridge's.
by Naum V. on 11/18/2014
"I got this gun and it is AWESOME. It looks amazing, has a real feel to it, and kicks like a horse. One minor thing is that it scratches pretty easily. The orange type is removable, but it is INSANELY hard, but this is with all airsoft guns. I compared the gun to my friends new m92fs (airsoft) and it out looked and outperformed it in every single way. Also it is unique since it looks like the world war two variant.

extremely realistic
bungee cord loop

relatively small mag capacity (adds to realism and can be a Pro)
orange tip is hard to take off (like any other gun)

overall it is AMAZING
by James R. on 03/24/2014
"i give props to this 1911 (i have real ones) this looks EXACTLY like the real ones every part is like the ww2 one bravo.

Great quality and lots of customizable parts!!
by brandon S. on 11/25/2013
"This 1911 feels good in the hands like a real steel 1911 does. The ore he tip came off but fixed it with thread tape and it's not obeying now. I put the shark cqb flashider on it and it looks sick. Has a nice hard kick to it. Shoots at about 300-315 fps with .20.
Nice and heavy.


Hard kick
Easy to take care of

Cons none that come to mind. 10 out of 10
by Felipe F. on 09/27/2013
"Easily one of the best pistols I've ever owned and
I have owned 5 pistols so far!

Hard blowback kick. It's amazing
Full metal

Sometimes the gas valve in mag is too high for some propane adapters

Great WW2 pistol!