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Madbull Noveske Licensed KX3 Sound Amplifier Flashhider (Color: Silver / Adjustable / 14mm Negative)

26 Customer Reviews

by Anthony D. on 03/09/2021
"Works good, gives a good "pop".
by Nick K. on 11/27/2020
"Had the Madbull gold one. Thing was solid as hell. Really well-made and it really did amplify.

by Travis S. on 03/10/2014
"This thing is awesome!!!! Got this on my MP5 and is sounds sick.....especially in three round burst mode. It will strike fear into your opponents. Wayne S. Why are you talking about being load is stupid?? This is a review section, not a comment section. I don't know why someone that doesn't own it is even commenting on it.
by Vincent D. on 03/06/2014
"My friend was able to mount one of these on a we hi capa, and it was EXTREMELYELYELYELYELY loud
by Reagan L. on 09/12/2013
"Just bought this, and wow does it work! I have it on my G&P M4 AEG, and when they say "loud pop" it really sounds like it! Love the adjustability features and the full metal construction 10/10!

Full metal construction
Light weight
Creates a very loud pop

A little pricy, but its worth it.
by Lisa B. on 08/06/2012
"This is a very nice amplifier. It gives a nice loud pop. and to all of you that r hatin cuz stealthy is better-don't forget about indoor cqb. if u here one of these comin around a corner trust me u will turn and run.
$45 seems a bit steep but it is worth it.
by Michael O. on 04/11/2012
"It may not have your adjustable cones on the inside, but this thing still gives you that nice pop sound you are looking for, looks really awesome as well. I would suggest this if you are on a budget. If not, go get the madbull noveske for $45. It comes with adjustable cones on the inside (used for making your sound from your gun louder or not so loud)
by Kriste S. on 08/09/2011
"I have one of these installed on my JG M416, and it makes the gun sound awesome! When I shoot it at my teams airsoft field you can hear the echo after every shot, I've heard teamates say they can hear it clear across the 250,000 sq foot field. If you want your gun to sound cooler then buy this flashhider.
by logan c. on 03/31/2011
"Very nice look. Also looks great on a GBB pistol. I put it on my standard m4 and it brings its looks to a whole new level! My battery is busted so i haven't had a chance to see if it really does amplify it.
by MARK R. on 01/26/2011
"I just received this flash hider and I already love it. I have it on the front on my Echo 1 CQB XK and it looks great. It was the perfect size for that compact CQB style AEG. I was originally concerned that the sound it amplified sounded a little bit "poppy". Once in heard it then I was in love. The few online reviews really don't do it justice. When firing full auto with the 10.8 battery on the XK it really screams! This SOCOM model is not adjustable like the other similar model, but that OK because I'm not sure why you would want to quiet your amplifier!

very easy to install
sounds great
good price

by Josh M. on 12/12/2010
"I've now have this Flash hider on my KWA M4A1 2GX. The gun itself is generally rather loud, but with this amplifier the sound is very well directed down range. This also means that it sounds quieter from where the shooter is. This noveske product exemplifies their great machining work and the quality of their products while greatly increasing the sound of your AEG and it's tacticool factor.
by Roy F. on 04/26/2009
"It won't give you anything resembling "real steel" sound, but if you've already got a loud gun, these are a perfect addition for giving the opposing team a moment's pause. From behind the gun, they're not that impressive, but anyone on the receiving end will attest to these being startlingly noisy. Pairing it with a high ROF makes a glorious popping cacophony erupt forth at the pull of the trigger. Definitely a highly recommended flash hider for anyone seeking to keep enemy heads down.
by Joseph C. on 04/11/2009
"Really nice Flash Hider that has seemed to add a very distinctively different sound to my 614. Style is great , really adds a clean finish to your AEG. Decently priced but worth it. Good buy.
by Red U. on 03/04/2009
"a guy on my team had one of these there are great for support fire when is evike gonna get more of these in stockb
by Donald G. on 12/06/2008
"This thing looks so bad on my ICS -28 and sounds awesome ..... the fit was great as well