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Elite Force Fully Licensed GLOCK 19X Gas Half-Blowback CO2 Airsoft Pistol (Color: Tan)

11 Customer Reviews

by Anker N. on 01/30/2025
"Love this little thing. I have big hand and I can hold it comfortably, has decent recoil for a hbb. The only bad things are that it has a heavy trigger pull & there is no extended mag for it
by Julio H. on 03/29/2024
"Totally one of the best side-arms ive used in a long time 5 Stars i might end up buy 2 more mags for it best Fallback Pistol
by Merritt M. on 01/18/2024
"I love it. its full metal, and shoots up to 360 fps. it doesnt come with co2 sadly. its a very high quality airsoft replica though, as it has a removable magazine, slide release, half blowback, safety, (i dont get why a safety is there or why its where it is) and overall just really nice,
by Brad S. on 07/23/2021
"First pistol I bought cheap, reliable, damn good for CQB seen the other guys review on how loud it is and makes people flinch which is very true people are terrified of this pistol it's my favorite gun for CQB and I have a P90 and other great rifles kinda want to buy one more because it's a great pistol worth buying.
by Colton M. on 08/30/2020
"So far I have no complaints with this sidearm, fits perfectly in the same Safariland holster I use for real steel shooting. Shooting cqb is easy and reliable. Only downside is the amount of take up in the trigger, feels like I’m pulling on a sponge
by Tim H. on 09/08/2023
-Looks and Feels good
-Doesn't scratch easy
-Has some kick
-No soft reset
-Must follow through on trigger pull or it will double-feed
by Justin C. on 04/12/2023
"This Glock 19x is really good I would recommend if you are on a budget the only con for me is the magazine capacity but it shoots strong it’s build quality its great it’s not to heavy because of the polymer body and the metal slideI rate this a 4/5.
by Michael W. on 08/03/2020
"This gun is actually pretty good. This was my first airsoft gun and was pretty pleased with it. It shot great and didn’t fail me too much. My main concern was in the lock back on last shot. I found that the gun with a full cartridge of CO2 would not lock back until it was low on CO2. I believe this may have to do with the fact that it’s half blowback. Another minor problem I had was sometimes the mag would not be able to go in. This problem was easily fixed by pulling the slide back and then putting in the mag so not a huge problem. Overall I would recommend this gun seeing as it’s very cheap for an Umarex blowback Glock however if you have the money I would recommend going with the green gas alternative.
by Nicolas K. on 06/15/2020
"I got this about 4 weeks ago with an extra mag. So far Ive had a good experience with only a few down sides.
GLOCK (full spec, fits well in Glock 17 holster)
Affordable (considering the price of other models)
Half blow back saves on CO2.
Feeds well
Trigger wall is very pronounced and trigger reset is very tactile (just like a real Glock)
Tactical sights are very easy to see and help to get a good sight picture.

Peanut butter color (I personally dont mind but it doesnt come in black)
Firing mechanism in mag (If you pull the trigger to the wall but dont fire, it will double feed if you reset the trigger. This means if you start a trigger pull you better follow through. Kinda sucks for a glock with such a long, mushy trigger pull.)
No threads in barrel.

Finally I should mention, this thing is freakin loud! I dont know if it is the half blowback with CO2 or what but it is considerably louder then many other CO2 pistols I own. This could be a pro or con depending on your play style but I personally enjoy the flinching of my opponents when this thing goes off. It does mean that its not the best option for a backyard plinker. Seriously, its so loud I worry about concerning the neighbors.
by Skyelar M. on 11/19/2023
"Extremely fun and reliable pistol, but there are a couple things you should consider before buying it.

1. it has a decent amount of recoil for an airsoft pistol. I personally love this, but I know some people would not.

2. It is not very accurate. When aiming for center mass, it starts to be inconsistent with getting hits around 35ish feet, which is the largest problem I have with this gun.

3. A weak point on this gun is the magazine baseplate. The baseplate likes to break if you accidentally drop the magazine the wrong way, and the baseplate holds the spring in place, so it essentially ruins the magazine.
by Dalton S. on 11/07/2020
"Um, Bad. I've shot it 4 times, each of which something new broke. I will say it is a beautiful gun, but it Bad. The slide catch was first. Then the mag started leaking. Then the trigger pull gets INCREDIBLY long. 2/10 would not recommend.