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Matrix "Delta" Metal Magazine for M4 Series Airsoft AEG Rifles (Capacity: 450 Round Hi-Cap / Tan)

15 Customer Reviews

by Walter B. on 07/27/2024
"Seemed well made, but wasn't compatible with my specna arms edge m4
by Caio M. on 06/19/2024
"Good mag, feeds with no issues. The fit is the slightest bit wobbly but that could just be my mag release. Never had an issue with these falling out or anything like that.
by Diego C. on 03/23/2024
"Look like good mags, but they don’t fit the EMG Daniel Defense ICS M4, even though the listing states that Matrix mags fit it. In case you’re looking for stanag style mags for it. Giving it 5 stars because I don’t want to affect its rating. I’m sure it works well on other M4’s.
by Edward F. on 10/04/2023
"For Cybergun F2000 lovers this mid cap does work for it and feeds every round both on semi and full auto. The journey for mid caps for the F2k is over buy the mag.
by Quinn P. on 06/04/2023
"Currently my favorite mag, not only because of the authentic look and solid feel, but also feeds very reliably.
by Matthew E. on 02/24/2020
"Solid mag! Feeds perfect and fits snug in my krytac Trident crb
by Henry L. on 11/19/2019
"If you're looking for a high capacity mid-cap, this is the one. they may be a bit on the pricy side but they are full metal and very durable. They hold 190 (really can only put in 170ish) but still is way more than the average mid-cap. They feed amazingly in my CYMA M4 AEG and have never jammed out of 6000 shots.
by Henry L. on 11/01/2019
"Fits well in my CYMA M4, feeds great and has a solid feel to it. Would recommend for any M4s.
by Garrett K. on 01/14/2019
"Work great in my HPA converted cyma. Seems to hold 180 or so rounds and feeds .32s at 30rps with no problems. The magwell on my gun is a little tight, very similar to vfc bodies, and these fit perfect.
by Wiley R. on 12/24/2014
"Bought a couple mags, and bottom line. Great buy!


- Full metal
- 190rds capacity (normal mid caps are 90 - 130rds usually)
- Feeds great after you break them in
- Nothing rattles inside when you shake it
- Very sleek black finish
- Realistic weight


!!This is only when you first buy the mag!! When you first load the magazine, it will not feed very well, but after the first or second time I loaded it, it fed perfectly.
by Joshua W. on 07/30/2014
"This will be short, sweet and to the point.

The magazine works great and feeds the BB's fine.
Keeps up with high rate of fire.
The best thing (I Think So) Is it FITS A KWA (All of them)
You can tell this from a 120 or 130 for sure.
Last thing.... Buy it.
You get what you pay for these days. You buy Cheap, you get cheap breakable product(s),
You pay for quality and longevity; you get a good, solid, long lasting product. Spend the extra $
by Dakota P. on 02/23/2014

But in all seriousness this is a good mag. Feeds flawless and all I had to do was put a little Velcro on the back to get it to fit snug in the mag well. My UAR would jam up on full auto with high-cap mags and I slapped one of these puppies in and unloaded the whole mag on full auto without any problems. And the cool shape of the mag is just icing on the cake baby!
by Scuba S. on 08/19/2013
"G&G F2000 users, rejoice...and all AEG users who have problems with gearbox screws stopping the midcap mags from seating.

This mag works without mods in the F2000. The fit is a little strange due to the curve of the H&K style, but it's not difficult. It's also SILENT and doesn't wobble. You may have to push up the mag catch to get it in - I wouldn't force it too much. The mag catch is not indestructible, and it's a snug fit so could wear down. But once you loosen your mag catch, it clicks right in. This is a new AEG, so a break-in period probably helps too.

...and every BB feeds! Can't say the same for other mid caps...and this is a 190rd!

I still took a Dremel tool to the top and filed down a small space for the gearbox screw, just to be sure I'm not hitting the gearbox...but this isn't necessary.

I'm not sure if other Matrix mags work. Maybe CYMA/Matrix spec'd ones. It has to do with the spring-guide on top of the mag and the width of the sides/edges of the mag, and this one fits great but this is the only Matrix mag I tried. Its a HK style STANAG in actual BLACK and holds 190rds. I don't think I need to try anything else.

Please don't run out Evike!

Looks like HK STANAG
Looks perdy

No box set, as of now
Relatively expensive
Nothing else
by CALEB K. on 12/13/2019
"I like these a bit more than the MAG ones since these look/feel nicer.

Fit good in 3 brands, VFC had some wobble
Fed fine
Looks/feels nice

- - -
Drop test takes a toll on the thin metal - no performance issues but I plan on not dropping them while actually playing.
Doesn't fit as good as some others mags in pouches - due to the extended capacity.
by Eric D. on 04/02/2016
"nice metal mag, works good.